Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub
5 min readJan 22, 2020


We want to continue introducing the most promising projects in our online market.

In this edition of Projects Spotlight, we talk about four animation projects that stand out in our online marketplace on own merits. Three feature films and a fictional series that use animation to explore genres as varied as children’s adventures, fantasy, science fiction or thriller.


‘La Pandilla Tortilla’ is a project of cultural interest that allows collaboration agreement and sponsorship under the patronage law. It will be supported by the state institutions and will be supported by the Community of Madrid. Gloria Fuertes’s work has an important generational and family value that attracts the attention of grandparents, parents and children who grew up with their stories. In addition, it is a work with great projection in the educational world with the intention of giving temporal continuity to the original work through a television series.

Respect the rules of the stories … or their characters will enter on your real world.

To Yago, a shy and withdrawn boy, his gang has taken away the birthday gift he bought for his friend Glory. Gloria Fuertes comes to help him, gives him a mysterious gift and promises to fulfil her wish: turn the bullies into shy. Yago and Glory travel to the fantastic world of the Gloria Fuertes tales guided by the mysterious gift: Rymas, a living and magical book that speaks rhyming. For not respecting the rules, the characters in the stories sneak into the real world. Every time they try to return them to their stories, they make mistakes and travel to other stories generating new problems. Their gang discovers the secrets of the book and draw up an evil plan: kidnap the characters, enter to their tales and live their magical stories. Rymas decide to teach everyone a lesson.


“A Little Bullet” tells the making of a small bullet, Little Bullet, how she will be aware of her being a weapon and her rebellion against the system. The movie speaks of terrorism, war, free will and friendship, but it does not treat all of these issues with rhetoric. “A Little Bullet” sets a difficult goal: reaching the widest possible audience and cope with all those themes with irony, trying to leave a message of hope, without moralizing. “A Little Bullet” is a coming of age movie because it speaks of the long process Little Bullet makes to accept herself and the surrounding world. Little Bullet is carefree and an enthusiast of life, just like a child, but in the course of her story she will mature and her decision to say no will mark the transition from childhood to adulthood.

Even a small flaw in the mechanism can break the system and change the world.

Little Bullet is a flawed little projectile. She has just been produced and she doesn’t know her nature and the reason why she is in the world. After a long journey through the Academy of weapons, battlefields, arms smuggling, she arrives in a terrorist’s hideout. So she makes up her mind to rebel against her destiny and thwarts the up-coming terrorist attack on her own against almost all other weapons. Will she make it?


Orion is a tragic and emotional story, told from optimism; a fantastic story, surprising and painful, where cruelty is mixed with the humour and strength of a character who always moves on. At the same time that the life and the changes that the protagonist lives are told, the changes of an era are also counted.

A time traveller.

Orión tells the story of a transgender man whose dream is becoming an astronaut and travelling to space. The story begins in the late 80s, in a small town in southern Chile, during the last years of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Throughout his life, Orión witnesses various social, technological and scientific events that describe the era in which he lives: the cloning of Dolly the sheep, the advent of the Internet, the first image of the Earth from the International Space Station, the War of Iraq, the cyborg rebellion, the holographic revolution, the discovery of life on other planet and the conquest of Mars, amongst others. The story ends in 2070, at 54 million kilometres from planet Earth.


KHAOS is a spy-thriller with science fiction elements that compose a mosaic of violence, a pointillist work that represents the terror generated by the human being

Does the human being deserve to perpetuate his existence?

In a world where quasi-infinite conglomerates of companies struggle to seize power, an invisible war is being fought to change the course of human history, a war that is being fought behind monitors, but where death and destruction are flesh and blood. A war with a single objective, the next stage of human evolution, mind control.

In the race for mind control, we follow Khaos, a field agent at The Convergence, for 26 years of his life. Amid the struggle between the powers willing to lead the change, Khaos will have to face a question: does the human being deserve to perpetuate his existence?



Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub

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