Screenwriters tell us their opinion on why script analysis services are useful

Alex Barraquer
Filmarket Hub


Today I want to talk to you about why the script analysis service is so important for screenwriters that are working on their first feature film, as well as for veterans of the art of screenwriting.

We talked to some of the screenwriters that used our script analysis services to take their project to the next level, be it by obtaining interest from a production company or be it via a coproduction agreement or simply achieving to have a more ready version of the script to be pitched to potential investors.

Here are some of the insights some of them have shared with us about Filmarket Hub’s script analysis services.

  • About the usefulness of receiving a script analysis

“I love the service offers such a good synthesis when exposing the problems and virtues of the script in just five pages.”

Manuel García, screenwriter for “Hercúlea” , one of our success stories

“It’s always beneficial to get the opinion of a professional who’s reading the script for the first time. It’s a great tool to obtain more visibility, financing agreements and coproduction deals.”

Tomislav Cecka, screenwriter for “Restore Point” one of our excellent scripts

“More than getting to improve, it helped me realize which were its strong points.”

Antonio Garrido, screenwriter for “Weak Flesh”
Sitges Pitchbox 16'

“The thing that stood out to me the most is that the reader(s) actually took the time to thoroughly read the scripts. So many times in the past I have received coverage where it was obvious that the reader skimmed the script.”

Amy Amani, screenwriter for “Dazzleland”, one of our top scripts at Filmarket Hub

“I’m very satisfied with the service. The quality-price ratio is unbeatable. The quality of the script analysis is very good: they go straight to the point, they detect the virtues and shortcomings of the project, the explanations are clear and concise, and suggestions that are given are useful and pragmatic. You can tell the high level of objectivity and the interest the analyst is putting into the project, which makes the service very professional.”

Gemma Ventura, screenwriter for “All God’s names”, most requested script on the Filmarket Hub market

  • What they most liked about the script analysis service

“It was a plus to obtain the “excellent script” badge; it gave it a lot of visibility and it made it stand out amongst possible producers.”

Tomislav Cecka, screenwriter for “Restore Point”

“The “excellent” badge the script got helped a lot to make it stand out in the market.”

Manuel García, guionista de “Hercúlea”

“I loved how well summarized and explained was everything in just a few pages.”

Antonio Garrido, screenwriter for “Weak Flesh”

“I really appreciate the thoroughness of the readers’ involvement in the scripts and the constructive rather than critical feedback provided.”

Amy Amani, screenwriter for “Dazzleland”

“The service has helped me greatly in what everyone needs when we’re looking for a service like this: to get rid of unnecesary material, to ask myself questions I didn’t think of or which the audience might as themselves, and to incorporate certain information in certain moments of the plot, so to make certain concepts more inteligible.”

Gemma Ventura, screenwriter for “All God’s names”

  • Would you recommend the script analysis service to people who haven’t used it yet?

“I would recommend it as it really can work for you if you make an effort to tune into what the analyst is trying to tell you. It’s complicated because there’s always a subjective factor, but it is worth to try to listen and apply what they’re suggesting, without loosing sight of what you’re trying to tell.”

Manuel Garcia, screenwriter for “Hercúlea”

“Yes. Especially if you have doubts or are not convinced about your script. It’s always better that a professional that is unrelated to you analyses it; that he isn’t a friend, colleague or your girlfriend. An expert will tell you the truth, be it good or bad. But it will usually be for the better, because if there are things in your script that don’t work, you will always be able to change and improve them in future versions.”

Antonio Garrido, screenwriter for “Weak Flesh”

“Yes, I would recommend it. As with any script coverage, the writer needs to really think about the notes and decide for themselves if the changes the reader suggest will work. I did this and decided that the comments made about my secondary characters were spot on and made changes based on those comments.”

Ami Amani, screenwriter for “Dazzleland”​

“Absolutely. The main reason is the good ratio of quality-price and the professionality of the analysts. It was about time that you could find this kind of service in Spain, an otherwise very common service in countries such as the UK or the States.”

Gemma Ventura, screenwriter for “All God’s names”

It is always good to get an opinion from an external and objective individual, not only to obtain a distinction or excellent script score (if the script merits it), but also to orientate your project towards its best possible version.

Understand script analysts as industry professionals who know very well how the dynamics between creatives and producers work. Use their opinion and constructive criticism, as well as their useful advice, to perfect your script.



Alex Barraquer
Filmarket Hub

CRM Manager at Filmarket Hub and occasional blogger on all film production, film financing and film distribution.