Discover the keys of their success worldwide

Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub
3 min readFeb 24, 2020


Alejandro Rojas, regional director of Parrot Analytics in Latin America, presented in the last edition of Madrid TV Pitchbox the new studio in which the company unravels the secrets and keys to the success of Spanish content worldwide.

Rojas analyzed the audiovisual landscape from the perspective of Big Data with an emphasis on the keys and potential of different genres (comedy, drama, documentary). He also presented a historical tour of the expansion of Spanish titles and their remarkable growth in recent years.

The Parrot Analytics team has analyzed the Spanish audiovisual landscape by focusing on the production and distribution of local fiction series. For their study, they have carried out a tour through 15 streaming content platforms operating in Spain with more than 2,000 titles of series fiction in their catalogues. In addition, to expand the study worldwide, the company has measured more than 200 platforms in 35 different countries and a number of titles exceeding 100,000.

The presence of Spanish productions in the streaming catalogues has shown a very positive evolution in the last year, both locally and internationally. Data for the last quarter of 2019 showed 7% for Spanish content in local catalogues. The numbers remain far from those in the United States (60%) or the United Kingdom (24%) in their respective territories but reflect a very positive evolution from the 3% marked at the beginning of 2018.

Spanish content has grown by 117% from the first quarter of 2018 to 1.5% penetration into international catalogues. The figures show that Spanish fiction has seized the opportunity created by the rise of streaming platforms to increase production and export content around the world.

Thriller, romantic comedy and historical drama are the predominant genres among Spanish productions locally. However, other subgenres such as sitcom (90%), suspense (51%) or crime (47%) have experienced remarkable growth over the past year. A reflection of the most experimentation, the entry of new voices and the commitment to new themes with the potential to have a greater local and international presence.

The analysis of the global catalogues shows a prominent presence of period dramas, thrillers and historical dramas with success stories such as Cable Girls, Elite or Cathedral of the Sea. The local evolution of two subgenres such as crime and romantic comedy has its reflection in its global projection with a growth of 134% and 412% compared to the previous year. Spanish creators are finding a new way to connect with international audiences.

The markets with the highest presence of Spanish content are Mexico (drama, crime, teen drama) United States (documentary, action, teen drama) and United Kingdom (period drama).

The audiovisual landscape is constantly evolving and transformed. That’s why from Filmarket Hub we have launched our first international contest of scripts of TV series pilots. We look for the new great series and voices that bring freshness to television fiction.

Our goal is to connect writers with key industry executives and companies.



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