The Online Market vs. the Pitching Calls

Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2018

by Marta Ávila


One of the most common doubts that come up amongst our users at Filmarket Hub, is the difference between how to apply to the online market and the live pitching events we organize periodically. Well, we’re here to solve that doubt for you.

You can find both options on the site of Filmarket Hub, once you have logged in. Clicking on the top menu, you will see both options will appear: “Market” and “Calls”.

The market

The online market is either used to submit feature film, documentary or tv series projects or either to look for content as an industry professional.

For a screenwriter, to have an active project on the market allows him or her to become visible amongst over 3000 Pro companies, previously validated by the Filmarket Hub team: production companies, distribution companies, sales agents, TV networks, etc.

We want to make clear that these companies will only be able to see the One Page for the projects that are active on the market. If they are interested in getting to know more about a certain project, they will have to ask permission to the authors to be able to access the script and other relevant documents.

The Market and the selected projects at Pitchbox, marked with a “P”

The Pitching Calls

The pitching calls at Filmarket Hub are in person events, which give the opportunity to defend one’s project in front of industry professionals, as well as network with your audience, production companies and other industry businesses.

To participate it is necessary to be subscribed to the online market. If the project complies with all that is required, you will be able to submit it to the pitching call (if there’s any open at the moment). To do this, you will just need to go to the “Calls” menu, click on “More info” and then click on to “Submit your project”. Finally, select the project (which must be active on the market) you want to submit to the pitching call; this way, it will be able to enter the call and be up for consideration.

A few of the selected projects at this 5th Pitchbox Call

While a project is active on the market, it will be able to subscribe to as many calls as there are. If the team at Filmarket Hub selects it, it will be presented at the event: be it Sitges Pitchbox, TV Pitchbox or whatever is the pitching call organized for the occasion. Furthermore, the selected projects will be promoted and recommended to our whole network of PRO companies registered on the platform, on the section “Best project selection”, whilst being able to stay subscribed to the market indefinitely and for free.

So, what are you waiting for to activate your project on the site and start to submit it on to the next pitching call?



Filmarket Hub
Filmarket Hub

The online platform that makes film projects come true! Online Film Market of scripts and co-production #MakeProjectsHappen