What is Continuous Learning

And 5 reasons why you should try it

Fede Mayorca
Filmarket Hub
3 min readMay 14, 2019


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

- Henry Ford

We’ve been to school, We’ve read books on the subjects we are interested, we follow the business very carefully, shouldn’t that be enough to find work in the industry we love? Maybe that would’ve work years ago, but in today’s society, we need to keep expanding our skill-sets and adapt to an ever-changing business.

Luckily for us, now continuous learning is easier than ever. The introduction of computers and the internet a few decades ago has given us the capacity to learn from top professionals from across the globe with just the click of a button.

Now the trend of e-learning has expanded all over the world, people are starting to realize that continuous learning is essential to us human begins. Just like our bodies require food for nourishment, our minds need new ideas and information to keep them healthy and strong. The best professionals in our industry know that lifelong learning is an indispensable tool for every creator and producer who wish to make something different our extraordinary.

Why should you give continuous learning a try?

Because everything you’ve have ever been interested in is at your fingertips and just a few clicks away! This alone should be reason enough, but if you’re not sold yet, let me give you 5 reasons why continuous learning is just for you.

1. Boost creativity

New ideas and information are the food creativity feeds upon. Taking up an online class might unveil new possibilities and help you discover innovative answers to problems you’ve been facing!

2. Improve your CV

Get one over the competition, with e:courses you can learn essential skills that will give you that competitive edge that employers are looking for. A few hours invested in a class could be what’s separating you from that big pay raise or to switch to that job you’ve been dreaming about.

3. Stay Updated

You know the industry is changing at an accelerated pace, don’t get left behind! The best way to ensure you remain relevant to the business is by staying up to date with new technologies and developments in your field. A good update of your skill set will guarantee you are in the cutting edge of your industry and a valuable asset.

4. Be prepared

Today people are switching jobs like switching shirts, these means new skills are needed every time a switch is made. Do you have those skills? Don’t fret! If you find the right online course, you’ll be prepared for whatever your employer throws at you.

5. It’s Fun!

We all have curious minds. It’s extremely enjoyable and satisfying to explore different topics you are interested in from the comfort of your own house and at the pace you want. Life is a journey, and new knowledge is a great tool to keep that journey moving forward!

Renew that childlike curiosity with you and take a deep dive in a subject you are interested in today.

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