Kelly Rowland, Mahershala Ali, and the Increasing Rudeness Toward Black People

Nancy O. Greene
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2024


Mahershala Ali and Baloji Screening Q&A

The recent incident at the Cannes Film Festival involving multiple women of color, including Kelly Rowland, being treated rudely by a security guard, has highlighted the growing issue of rudeness in society. This trend of increasing rudeness seems especially pronounced towards Black people and other people of color, particularly those who have achieved public recognition through hard work and talent.

Kelly Rowland at Cannes

While rudeness affects everyone, the treatment of Black individuals, especially those in the limelight, appears to have an underlying acceptability that highlights the growing resurgence of racist attitudes. Even more recently, celebrated actor Wendell Pierce revealed that despite his extensive resume, including currently filming Superman, and his more than adequate financial means, he was rejected from renting a home simply because of his race.

Though I primarily only know him from his work, having met him I would say that he is a genuinely kind and down-to-Earth person. Reading about how Wendell Pierce was treated was a disheartening reminder that no matter how much work we put in, solely because of racism some will always want to make things difficult for Black people.

Wendell Pierce

From incidents like those, to the White father who put his hands on a Black superintendent because he didn’t want the man to shake his daughter’s hand at her graduation, we are seeing this kind of behavior become more commonplace. One of the biggest problems with this is that when people feel comfortable being disrespectful, for no good reason, to those who have been historically oppressed, that behavior eventually spreads to encompass all of society. It has become clear in the last few years that a culture of rudeness, and racism, is prevailing.

White Dad shoves Black Superintendent

These situations prompted me to reflect on a similar experience I had while co-hosting a panel discussion with Mahershala Ali and Baloji, a Congolese-Belgian director and musician. Mahershala Ali, a distinguished actor with two Academy Awards, is well-known for his roles in “Luke Cage,” “True Detective,” “Moonlight,” and “Leave the World Behind.” Baloji, an acclaimed filmmaker, also served as the co-president of Cannes’ 2024 Camera D’Or alongside Emmanuelle Beard.

The panel in question took place in December, after the screening of Baloji’s film “Omen.” We were allotted 20 minutes for the discussion. But only a few minutes in, a White festival employee interrupted us, claiming we needed to wrap up early due to another scheduled screening. This other screening, however, was not due to start for some time, and we still had plenty of already scheduled time to conclude our panel. Ignoring his premature request, we continued our discussion. About halfway through, the same employee returned and interrupted us loudly and rudely, creating an unseemly disruption. (You can hear the commotion in the last couple of minutes of the video/audio.)

Mahershala Ali and Baloji — Getty

The incident visibly upset Amatus Sami-Karim, an actress and artist who was present, and who is also married to Mahershala Ali. She was taken aback by the lack of decorum and the unprofessional behavior of the employee. She expressed her surprise and frustration, noting that such disrespect had never occurred before in her experience. Despite her attempts to address the situation, her concerns were largely dismissed.

This episode is a stark reminder of the broader societal issue where rudeness, and specifically racist undertones in such behavior, is becoming increasingly common. The treatment of Kelly Rowland, Mahershala Ali and Baloji, all highly respected figures in their fields, underscores a disturbing trend where the achievements and dignity of Black individuals are undermined by unprofessional and discourteous behavior. The incidents at the screening and at Cannes are a microcosm of a larger problem.

The implications of such incidents are deeply concerning. They reflect a persistent and systemic issue where Black individuals and other people of color are often subject to disrespect and devaluation, irrespective of their achievements and status. This trend is not just limited to high-profile events like the Cannes Film Festival but is pervasive across various sectors, including the workplace, public spaces, and media. And, as such, when people get away with this type of behavior in one area, it spreads to others — hence the growing unwarranted rudeness of and towards people of all races and genders.

The dismissive treatment of Mahershala Ali, Kelly Rowland, Wendell Pierce and Baloji is also emblematic of a larger issue. It speaks to a lack of recognition and appreciation for their contributions to the arts and culture. Their careers and innovative work in filmmaking and music have garnered international acclaim. Yet, they were subjected to an experience that undermined their work, professional standing and personal dignity.

This kind of behavior can have far-reaching effects. It perpetuates a culture of disrespect and inequality, where the contributions of Black individuals are undervalued and their presence marginalized. It can also discourage aspiring artists and professionals of color from pursuing their passions, fearing that their efforts might be met with similar disregard.

Furthermore, the normalization of such rudeness can embolden others to act similarly, perpetuating a cycle of disrespect and discrimination. It is crucial to recognize that these behaviors are not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern of systemic racism that continues to affect the lives of people of color.

Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach. Firstly, there needs to be a concerted effort to promote respect and equality in all areas of society. This involves educating individuals about the impact of their behavior and fostering an environment where everyone is treated with dignity. Institutions, particularly those in influential positions like film festivals, must lead by example, ensuring that all attendees are treated with respect.

Additionally, there needs to be accountability for those who exhibit rude or discriminatory behavior. In the case of the Cannes incident, the festival organizers should have addressed the employee’s conduct and taken steps to prevent such occurrences in the future. This could involve training for staff on cultural sensitivity and professional conduct, particularly not putting their hands on people unnecessarily.

Moreover, amplifying the voices of those affected by such incidents is crucial. When individuals like Amatus Sami-Karim, Kelly Rowland, Wendell Pierce and others (regardless of whether they are a celebrity or not) speak out about their experiences, their concerns should be taken seriously and addressed appropriately. This not only validates their experiences but also helps to raise awareness about the issue and encourages others to speak out.

In conclusion, the rude treatment of Mahershala Ali, Baloji, Kelly Rowland and others is a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges of racism and disrespect in society. It underscores the need for greater awareness, respect, and equality across all sectors. It also showcases the need by those in positions of authority to take reasonable concerns seriously. By addressing these issues head-on, we can work towards a society where everyone, regardless of race or status, is treated with dignity and respect.

