Brand Design

Natalie Duerr
4 min readMar 11, 2021


Who are our inspirations? How does Filmify want to present itself to the world? To create a brand for Filmify, we investigated these questions.

Personality levers

Smart or friendly? Objective or emotional? Experimental or tried-and-true? A “personality levers” exercise pairs dissimilar words, not necessarily direct opposites, and aims to guide team discussion on brand direction.

Each team member completed this exercise individually, thoughtfully placing a dot along each lever where they felt Filmify belonged. Once everyone completed the exercise, our team viewed all of the dots together.

Our completed “personality lever” exercise.

We agreed on words like “eye-catching” and “experimental.” The exercise also led to a discussion of other words to describe Filmify, like “celebratory” and “bold.” The next step was taking these feelings and translating them into real imagery that could influence Filmify’s brand.


Sifting through the hundreds upon hundreds of images and brands we see a day, the design team collected examples that they thought matched Filmify’s words and direction. Designers shared their inspiration with the team, prompting new discussions about what people liked and didn’t like.

Our mood board, with a range of styles.

While Depop was too Gen-Z and Apple wasn’t risky enough — brands like The 19th and Masterclass rang true to everyone’s vision for Filmify. The 19th had a color scheme that felt true to its mission and audience. Masterclass focused on the people behind each lecture and provided a clean interface to engage with their content.

From these examples, Filmify settled into its final form — bold, disruptive, with intent, trustworthy, and empowering. Punches of color paired with an experimental serif for headers and with a clean san-serif font for the body would create the engaging visual experience Filmify hoped to be.

Colors + Fonts

Filmify is in your face about the lack of diversity in Hollywood. Current institutions may hide away from these discussions, but Filmify is here to amplify these discussions and be a wake-up call for film enthusiasts.

Our desire to be bold and disruptive led to developing a rather, well, punchy color palette.

A palette of the colors for Filmify’s brand. There is a navy blue, lime green, hot pink, bright blue, purple, and gold color. The brand colors also include white and black.
Filmify’s finalized palette, each color is named after some of our favorite films.

On top of choosing visually intriguing colors, these colors also passed the AA threshold on our selected background color, In the Shadows Blue. Learn more about designing for web accessibility here.

The next step to finalizing our brand was choosing typefaces. Sites like Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts provide so many options, maybe too many options, to explore. After countless hours of pairing types and trying different looks, the team settled on the combination of Bely Display and Epilogue.

Font explorations completed by the design team. Bely Display and Epilogue are circled as that is the combination the team went with.
Initial font exploration.

Filmify’s brand was starting to transform into its final form. Using our word, colors, and type choices — the next step was to create a distinct mark representing us.

Logo + Wordmark Development

To start our exploration, each teammate sketched concepts for about five minutes. This activity gave the team a breadth of ideas to pursue. Everyone picked one or two logo concepts they wanted to elevate from a quick pencil sketch to a vectorized image.

Sketches of logo concepts.
The team sketched concepts for the logo. This 5–10 minute exercise gave the team many different concepts to explore.

We decided to pursue Josh’s design, which ingeniously encompassed equality and film into just two lines. Imitating the wave of film strips, Josh formed an equal sign by pairing two together.

Josh’s in-depth exploration.

With such a simplistic logo, it made the most sense to pair it with our Epilogue font. Josh fine-tuned Filmify’s wordmark by adjusting some characters to match the curves in the logo. These tweaks made the logo feel more balanced when paired with the wordmark and made it unique to Filmify.

Filmify’s final logo.


Developing a brand is no easy work. The team created Filmify’s brand through many trials and errors, but the result was well worth it. When trying to create a brand, there aren’t corners that a team can cut or ideas that get rushed. It is only from the in-depth exploration that we formed Filmify’s personality.

Stay tuned on our Medium page for more weekly sneak peeks of our design and development process behind the scenes.

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