🎬 Filmtastic Review - Moonlight 月亮喜歡藍

Karen Lee
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2019

與其將《月亮喜歡藍》歸類為同志電影,不如說它是一齣寫實的劇情片。故事的主角是一名非裔美國人,戲中記述主角 Chiron 分別在人生三個階段(童年/青年/成人)如何面對學校,家庭,工作和感情這四個人生領域。與很多人一樣,主角在不知不覺間在人生的道路中迷失,究竟他如何才能找回自我?

Instead of classifying ‘Moonlight’ as a gay film, it is better to see it as a realistic drama. The movie depicts how African-American protagonist Chiron faces 4 big domains of life- school, family, work and relationship during three stages of his life(Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood). And like many of us, he has somehow get lost in his life , can he find back his own true self?

Moonlight 劇名背後

In the moonlight, black boys look blue

與太陽(Sun)作對比,月亮(Moon) 給予人更陰柔feminine的印象。

月亮代表黑夜,戲中的Chiron在晚上才敢「做自己」,在Miami沙灘向男性摯友Kevin告白;應邀到Kevin工作的餐廳吃晚餐和敘舊。他終於可以放下世俗對男性Masculinity的期許,embraces who he really is。

Hello Stranger

少年的Chiron默默忍受同學們的欺凌,最後有一天決定為自己爭一口氣,毆打那位處處為難他的同學,最後被判入少年感化院 Juvenile Detention Centre,出獄後與母親搬到 Georgia, Atlanta 重新生活。有案底的他最後也要重蹈father figure Juan的覆轍成為Drug Dealer,Chiron 前生過著艱苦抬不起頭的生活,現在終於能穿金戴銀,但這是Chiron想過的生活嗎?

直到Chiron 回到家鄉Miami 與舊情人兼昔日摯友Kevin重逢,他才驚覺他真正渴望的是被人明白關懷,不用再偽裝自己的生活。

Hello, stranger
(ooh) It seems so good to see you back again
How long has it been?
(ooh, seems like a mighty long time)

At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you gonna be, no one can make that decision for you

~ Father Figure Juan 教 Chiron 的 人生大道理

Cast: Mahershala Ali — Juan

Director: Barry Jenkin

Take Place: Liberty City, Miami and Georgia, Atlanta

Adapted Screenplay: Based on Tarell Alvin McCraney’s unpublished semi-autobiographical play ‘In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue’

Awards: 第89屆奧斯卡金像獎 最佳影片 & 最佳改編劇本

Winner of 2017 Oscars Best Motion Picture and Adapted Screenplay

Recommended Movie:

  1. Happy Together(1997) | Wong Kar Wai
  2. Blue is the Warmest Colour(2013) | Abdellatif Kechiche

