Introducing The FilmTech Office

Logan Ouellette
The FilmTech Office
2 min readJan 18, 2018

The film industry is ripe for disruption. Cinema has evolved a number of times over the last century, since the earliest public screenings by the pioneering Lumière brothers: from silent to talkies, from black & white to colour, and more recently from film to digital.

We believe we’re on the edge of the latest evolution.

While innovations such as digital VFX introduced new approaches to storytelling, VHS first brought the cinema experience into the home, and more recently Netflix upended the traditional methods of financing, producing and distributing films, there are currently many verticals in the industry waiting to be disrupted by pioneers with dynamic ideas.

Enter The FilmTech Office.

“We believe the future of film and storytelling will spark at the touchpoint between the film industry and the tech world.”

The FilmTech Office is a shared office space for creatives & entrepreneurs in film, storytelling and tech. We believe the future of film and storytelling will spark at the touchpoint between the film industry and the tech world.

The FilmTech Office is located in the immediate vicinity of the historic Flughafen Tempelhof.

Our aim is to offer a curated environment for co-working, community and events where film production and distribution meet blockchain, big data and artificial intelligence. We want to help your business grow, connect you to industry insiders, all while building a collaborative community around the topic of FilmTech.

Our core team brings a wide-ranging background in film production, innovation, tech, startups and community-building. With our expertise, network and skills, we want to provide the community with all the necessary resources they need to build the next great FilmTech company.

Are you ready to grow your business, idea or project? Then join us as we explore the future of film together!

Launching in April 2018.

Join here or drop us a line at



Logan Ouellette
The FilmTech Office

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