Deprecated Filo’s permission system

2 min readJul 26, 2022


Hello to all readers of the Filo blog! Here iLxlo_ to report the Filo’s permissions system notice that is now marked as deprecated.

As you may well know, Filo uses two different permission systems to allow you to use commands: Discord’s and Filo’s own.

Currently Filo’s permissions system allows you to configure which roles should have access to execute certain commands, so you are not forced to give a permission, such as Ban members (from Discord) to a specific role. You would only have to create a role (without permissions) and configure the permissions for it in the Filo’s permissions system.

Why is the Filo’s permission system deprecated?

Several months ago Discord released its rework to the command permissions system, making a structure clear and easy for admins to use and giving bot developers tools that we didn’t have before.

With the new permissions system, we, the bot developers, can set default permissions to a given command, and unless a server administrator changes it, no one except those who have that permission will be able to execute the command. Plus, it’s much easier and faster!

It’s as easy as selecting the role and clicking on the green tick.

Example of the permissions configuration panel of the /ban command.

Learn how to set Filo command permissions by visiting this Discord article.

The reason we are deprecating the Filo’s permission system is to add support for this improved Discord permission system.

When will the Filo’s permission system removal date become effective?

At the end of the rework of the commands in the Settings category. Currently there is no ETA, but we will notify you at least 30 days in advance so that you can make the relevant changes.

However, when we announce the elimination of the Filo’s permissions system, we make a breaking change and assign a mandatory permission to all those users who want to use a command, that is, in the case of the /ban command, we will force users within the period of 30 days that they have the “Ban members” permission.

After the 30-day period, they will be able to freely configure who can use the commands and we will not force them to have a certain permission to do so.

There is nothing to fear! Even if you don’t set the permissions, only users with moderation permissions will be able to use the default commands*.

* Commands other than Moderation are excluded. The rest of the commands could be accessible by normal users, for example, the /activity command.

