Introducing Filo’s Auto Moderation V2 module

2 min readAug 24, 2024


Introducing Filo’s Auto Moderation V2 Module

Effective moderation is key to maintaining safe and well-managed Discord communities. Filo’s Auto Moderation V2 brings significant improvements, providing admins with greater flexibility and control.

The previous version relied solely on warning-based sanctions, with up to 25 levels. While functional, it lacked the adaptability needed for different server contexts.

What’s New in Auto Moderation V2?

The newly designed Auto Moderation V2 module offers a more advanced and adaptable system:

  • Filter-Based Sanctions: Implement sanctions based on various filters and conditions beyond warnings. This allows for more nuanced moderation, such as punishing users based on their registration date, name patterns, or the number of received sanctions.
  • Integrated Contexts: Beyond warnings, the new system allows for other contexts and data points to trigger sanctions, providing more precise and relevant moderation tailored to your server’s needs.
  • Streamlined Levels: While the number of configurable levels has been reduced from 25 to 5, each level is now more powerful and customizable, enabling more effective moderation with less complexity.

Migration to the New System

On August 24th at 11:00 AM (CEST), there will be an automatic migration of settings from the old module to Auto Moderation V2. While no data loss is expected, server owners are advised to review their settings post-migration to ensure everything is functioning as intended. The Filo’s team is ready to assist in recovering data if any issues arise.

Filo’s Auto Moderation V2 is a powerful tool that redefines how you manage security and behavior in your Discord server. With its flexibility and advanced options, you can ensure that your community’s moderation is both effective and fair.

Tell us what you think about this redesigned module!

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