Start Your Own $20 Prepper Small Business Today

Kevin Doyle
Final Prepper
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2019

Some of the most influential brands in the prepping niche started out as small hobby businesses. That’s how this thing works, most of the time.

While the internet is filled with articles about prepping on the cheap, it takes real money to get really prepared. That is the cold hard truth.

So, where do you come up with that cash?

What about starting your own prepper small business that costs just $20 to start!? Yea, its possible and people make money off these small internet businesses every day. Let’s talk about how you get started and the basics of creating a simple online business that generates passive income while you are busy prepping!

STEP #1 What’s Your Focus?

Most people call this a niche, but we already know that the niche is prepping. What aspects of prepping do you want to focus on? Most of us have one area that we prefer over others.

Remember, if you are going to go to these lengths to create this business you should really love what you are doing. Here are a few examples of prepper niche focus.

  • Survival Gear Review
  • Doomsday Scenario Prep
  • Prepper Basics and Beginners
  • Survival Techniques

You could also do a combination of these things. If that makes sense for you. So, step 1 is to decide what it is you are going to talk about, record, blog about or whichever other means you plan on using to communicate through your new business.

STEP #2 Prepper Website or Social Media Account?

You can choose one or do both! Obviously, the more people you reach the better.

Either way you need a vehicle for your business. This vehicle is going to get your message to the people. Without a vehicle you are really depending on friends and family. That is not how you want to do business.



You have a greater perceived authority with a website

You have a home to point people to

You can link to and even sell products right on your website


Cost of a domain name (usually under $20)

Driving traffic is tough

Updating frequently takes time and writing skill

Social Media



Simple Posts or even just pictures to update

Hashtags make it easy to capture attention


You miss everyone not on the platform

You don’t have a home base

Less authority

STEP #3 Domain Names

Your success comes down to people being able to find you. A good domain name makes it very easy for people to search and find your website. The use of popular keywords helps you create a powerful domain name that gets you recognized.

Think about the type of things you are going to write about and try to create a simple and effective domain for that. Here are two examples of domain names.


Jim’s Survival


Tactical Survival Gear

People are more likely to search TACTICAL SURVIVAL GEAR than they are to search JIMS SURVIVAL in a search engine. So, our second option is going to get more traffic by having the more effective domain name.

Affiliate Products and Income

Here is where the money starts coming in. There are hundreds of thousands of companies that are offering affiliate commissions to the average person to sell their products online.

So, what are affiliate commissions?

Basically, you put a link on your site or link to another website’s product. You do this with the motivation that a person is going to buy that product. If they do you get a commission for making that sale. These commissions usually run just under 10% of the sale.

If you write about a certain backpack that costs $120 and link to that product through your affiliate link and they buy that bag, you will get $12. Maybe that doesn’t sound like much but what if you have 15 blog posts with that kind of link in each? Over time you will build a lot of content with these links within.

We are getting ahead of ourselves.

To start pulling in affiliate commissions you need to sign up for an affiliate program. That is often at the bottom of the page of a supplier. Most prepper and survival type gear providers have affiliate programs.

You can also join the Amazon affiliate program. The benefits here are that you have access to every product that Amazon sells! In other words, you can make commission off anything on the Amazon website.

The commissions are lower but your access to all those products is huge. It leaves wanting for very little.

Now is the time to start exploring what brands and items you want to draw commissions from. When you make a blog post, or a social media post you want to include a link to a pertinent item. With an audience of engaged readers, you will start making money.

I will not lie to you. Affiliate commissions take some investment in time up front. However, you will find yourself pulling in commissions from articles you wrote years ago and that is exciting. Remember, these commissions are passive and make you money while you are doing other things.


We have merely scratched the surface of this matter of starting your own prepper small business. However, I hope this has opened your eyes to the possibility of making some money on the side to afford more preps.

If you take this seriously you could replace your full time income. People do this everyday in with the help of the internet. It’s a very exciting time to be alive.

Now its time to do a little more research on your end. Maybe explore other methods of passive income or hone in on building the best prepper blog you can. The choice is yours.

Just remember, it’s a time investment up front and the more you dedicate to offering quality content and finding new readers the more success you are going to have.

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Kevin Doyle
Final Prepper

Kevin is a father and a husband. He loves his wife and kids, and he doesn't hate his job. A regular Joe. Or so he felt before writing The Final Prepper.