The Beginning of the Research

Melissa Fisher
Finance of the Future
2 min readOct 1, 2020

The business change that I will be touching on in this blog is about finance and what the future holds for this industry both commercially and personally.

I am interested in this topic because finance is my expertise and is a passion of mine. I personally believe that everyone should be very in touch with their finances and unfortunately now days most adults are not. This vastly is because of how technology has taken over a large portion of the finance industry and American’s are not educated in how to responsibly handle their finances.

I believe that everyone that lives in the United States would benefit from my findings, but more importantly young adults. Young adults would receive the most benefit as finance is not something that is taught. It is thought as a common sense topic. With technology taking over not many American’s are taught to balance their checkbook, to budget, or to negotiate with companies for lower prices. Young adults are also those who will be starting or running companies one day in the future world of finance. Senior leaders in this industry tend to heavily rely on those that are younger to teach them new technology in the finance world.

I work in commercial banking, so I see daily how a portion of the finance industry works and where it is headed. I know a lot about personal finances as I have worked in the investment industry, a teller, and a personal banker. I also do lots of personal research in personal finances to ensure I am getting the most out of my money. Keeping up with articles of what is going on in the finance industry for both the United States and the world are very important to me as well.

Some questions I’d like to answer on this blog are:

How social media is marketing finance classes?

How will relationships be formed for those in sales to businesses and personal finances?

How will markets respond to future changes?

How will businesses interact and create connections?

A skill that someone would need to prepare for changes is to keep up with the news and technology. Take classes and get certificates in the newest technology. Lastly, volunteer to be a part of new projects that are changing industry and volunteer to work with other individuals to expand your network.

