3 Quick Ways To Compare Data with Python

Costas Andreou
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2019


For anyone working in an analytical role, receiving requests to compare data will be all too familiar. Whether that is to prove the integrity of the data, the successful delivery of data or merely attempting to understand the difference between two files or data sets, the process will almost always be the same.

Sometimes, when the data is sufficiently small, putting each dataset in a worksheet and then doing a comparison between cells will just have to suffice.

If something more powerful is required, then there are many premium data comparison software out in the market to get the job done. My personal favourite? Hands down, Beyond Compare!

In this article, we will explore something in between the two solutions we just looked at. Maybe because you want to do a very quick diff, or perhaps because the datasets are simply too large for Excel to handle or for you to set up a diff. Let us explore three quick alternatives.

Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

1. Check the integrity of the data

In this instance, by checking the integrity of the data, I mean that we will be reviewing the data set in its entirety, and we will…



Costas Andreou

A technologist with domain expertise in Investment Banking