Beginner’s Guide To Identifying Stocks to Invest In

Want to try your hand in the Stock Market but don’t know where to start?

Costas Andreou


You’ve made the decision to take the leap and invest some money in the stock market. Great! Step one done! You have researched the different brokerage firms and accounts and decided on the firm and type of account you need which hopefully has reasonable costs. Fantastic! You’re almost there.

Now it is time to actually invest in something, but you don’t know what! You think to look it up online but before long you realize that for every post you find to buy Apple, there is another one to sell! The world of stocks is simply too overwhelming at this point for you to invest it.

Maybe you gave up altogether, or maybe you just bought on the hottest tip and end up losing some money, or maybe you heard that the safest way is to buy and hold ETFs for the longer term and that’s what you have done. Either way, using the information you had at hand, you made the best possible decision under the circumstances.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash



Costas Andreou

A technologist with domain expertise in Investment Banking