The Big 4 Audit Firms: Time for a Wake-Up Call and a New Approach

Bed & Breakfast
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2023

The services of the Big 4 accounting firms (Deloitte, PwC, EY, and KPMG) have traditionally been held in the highest regard. They’re trusted by the world’s biggest companies since they verify their financial stability. The audit process and the function of auditors in the financial industry have been called into question, however, as recent events have revealed flaws in the system.

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank, Wirecard, and FTX are just some of the high-profile failures that have put the Big 4 under the microscope. A new method of auditing that places more value on openness, independence, and creativity is urgently needed in the wake of recent scandals.

The Urgent Desire for a New Point of View

Recent failures have brought to light a number of challenges that must be overcome before public confidence in the auditing industry can be restored.

The Big Four must avoid any conflicts of interest that could undermine their objectivity and professional judgment in their engagements and remain steadfastly independent in their work.

During an audit, auditors should be able to better identify and assess risks, create audit methods tailored to those risks, and respond appropriately to any warning signs that arise.

The audit process and the disclosure of potential risks in financial statements need to be more transparent, and there has to be better communication between auditors, regulators, and clients.

Educating auditors on changing trends, technologies, and regulatory requirements in the financial industry, especially in complex sectors like the cryptocurrency industry, requires an investment in education and training.

Addressing the Challenges Head-On

The Big Four and the auditing industry as a whole need to take the initiative to fix things and win back the public’s trust.

  1. Strengthening Auditor Independence: The Big 4 must maintain a strong, independent stance in their engagements, avoiding potential conflicts of interest that may compromise their objectivity and professional judgment.
  2. Enhancing Risk Assessment and Audit Procedures: Auditors must improve their ability to identify and assess risks, design appropriate audit procedures to address these risks, and effectively respond to any red flags that emerge during the audit process.
  3. Improving Communication and Transparency: Better communication between auditors, regulators, and clients is needed, along with ensuring transparency in the audit process and the disclosure of potential risks in financial statements.
  4. Investing in Education and Training: Auditors must be provided with the necessary training and resources to stay up-to-date on emerging trends, technologies, and regulatory requirements in the financial industry, particularly in complex sectors like the crypto industry.

The recent high-profile failures involving the Big 4 audit firms serve as a wake-up call for the auditing profession. It is time for a paradigm shift that emphasizes transparency, independence, and innovation. By challenging the norms and embracing a new approach, the Big 4 and the audit profession as a whole can restore public confidence in the banking system, protect the interests of the general public, and foster a more resilient and trustworthy financial sector.



Bed & Breakfast

Hi I'm Alfer. I'm an outdoor junkie and loves to write about travel, vacation rentals, remote work, accounting and finance trends, & Tech. :)