Top 12 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Filipino Remote Team Member for Your Short-Term Rental Business

Bed & Breakfast
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2023
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

The short-term rental industry has witnessed a remarkable surge, thanks to platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo. Yet, with growth comes the need for effective management, and often, that means hiring remote team members. But how can you be sure you’re making the right choice when you can’t meet them in person? Here are the top questions to guide you through the remote hiring process.

1. Can you describe your experience with short-term rentals or property management?

Why it matters: This offers an understanding of their familiarity with the industry, potential challenges they’ve encountered, and their solutions. For Philippine hires, this can also help gauge their experience with international clients, a common scenario in the country’s robust outsourcing industry.

2. How do you prioritize and manage tasks when everything seems urgent?

Why it matters: The STR world can be fast-paced, and a Filipino employee’s ability to juggle multiple tasks — especially if they’re also handling other outsourced roles — can be crucial to your business’s smooth operation.

3. What tools have you used for remote work, and how proficient are you in them?

Why it matters: Familiarity with tools like Zoom, Slack, Trello, or property management software can significantly improve communication and workflow. Since the Philippines has a burgeoning BPO sector, many remote workers are already adept with such platforms.

4. How do you handle constructive feedback or criticism? Can you give an example?

Why it matters: Openness to feedback is essential for growth. Given the cultural emphasis on “hiya” (shame) in the Philippines, understanding how a potential hire responds to criticism can be enlightening.

5. Describe a time you faced a significant challenge in a previous role and how you overcame it.

Why it matters: This assesses resilience and adaptability, which are pivotal in the dynamic STR sector. It also allows insight into how Filipino cultural values like “bayanihan” (community cooperation) come into play.

6. How do you ensure open and consistent communication when working remotely?

Why it matters: Communication can make or break remote team dynamics. It’s essential to ensure your hire knows how to stay connected. As English is one of the official languages in the Philippines, it’s also a chance to assess their language proficiency and comfort with communicating.

7. Are you comfortable with flexible hours, especially if there’s a time zone difference or urgent issues arise during off-hours?

Why it matters: The nature of STR means guests might have needs at any hour, and your remote team must be prepared to address these occasionally. The Philippines is in a different time zone from many STR hotspots. Understanding their flexibility can be crucial for real-time problem-solving.

8. How do you stay motivated and avoid distractions when working from home or remotely?

Why it matters: Remote work demands a high level of self-discipline and motivation, especially when overseeing guest experiences. Given the Philippines’ familial culture, some remote workers may also juggle family responsibilities, making this question vital.

9. Can you provide examples of how you’ve gone above and beyond for a client or guest?

Why it matters: Filipinos are known for their hospitality. Tapping into instances where this inherent trait was exhibited professionally can highlight the added value they bring to the STR industry.

10. How do you handle situations where you don’t have all the information needed to address a guest’s concern or question?

Why it matters: Remote team members might not always have immediate access to all the answers, but they should know how to handle such situations professionally and promptly.

11. What strategies or methodologies do you employ to stay updated with industry trends?

Why it matters: The STR industry is constantly evolving. Hiring individuals who actively stay updated can give your business an edge.

12. What do you believe is the most challenging aspect of working remotely in the STR industry, and how would you address it?

Why it matters: This question can provide insights into their self-awareness and their preparedness for the unique challenges of remote STR management.

Additional Inputs for Hiring from the Philippines:

  • Cultural Understanding: It can be beneficial to have a grasp of Filipino culture. Recognizing national holidays, for example, can help in scheduling and understanding their availability.
  • Technical Reliability: Inquire about their internet connectivity and backup solutions. The Philippines sometimes faces connectivity issues, so a candidate with a contingency plan shows foresight.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Understand the standard pay rates and benefits in the Philippines. Offering competitive compensation can attract top talent and reduce turnover.


Hiring a remote team member from the Philippines offers numerous advantages, from cost savings to tapping into a skilled, English-speaking workforce. The key lies in understanding both the general necessities of remote hiring and the nuances specific to the Filipino context. With the right approach, this partnership can significantly enhance the success of your short-term rental business. This is where tapping into the expertise of recruitment professionals such as Hire With Grit can be a huge game changer.



Bed & Breakfast

Hi I'm Alfer. I'm an outdoor junkie and loves to write about travel, vacation rentals, remote work, accounting and finance trends, & Tech. :)