Money Will Not Save You: Diversifying a ‘Life Portfolio’ for a Happy Ending

Get Lost Blue
Financial Independence / Retire Early
8 min readOct 31, 2023


In the relentless pursuit of financial independence, we often forget that money is just one piece of the puzzle. Everything can become about your net worth, your spending, your accumulation or withdrawal plan. However, money will not save you.

If the world descends into chaos, natural disaster strikes or you have a personal catastrophe, money may well be useless. Not that you should go all ‘prepper’ and start outfitting a bunker…but overemphasis on money can lead to neglecting other, equally valuable resources.

A diversified portfolio of assets is what we need to achieve the real goal…a happy ending.

Building a Diversified Life Portfolio

I’ve been building my financial portfolio for over a decade and recently flexed my financial success to quit my job. The plan was to use my time diversifying my ‘Life Portfolio’.

Health, resilience, relationships and contribution were the areas I decided were the most important non-financial assets on which to focus.

Why? To live and die well. Here’s how it went.

Health: The Foundation of Everything



Get Lost Blue
Financial Independence / Retire Early

I write about how to have a truly prosperous life. I help people escape the cubicle, invite freedom and adventure through mastering finances. And I get lost.