New to FIRE? Here Are The First 2 Levels of Financial Freedom from Grant Sabatier — The Millennial Money Man

Grant believes that money is infinite, but time is not.


Grant Sabatier-The Millennial Money Man

Grant believes that money is infinite, but time is not.

Instead of viewing money as a way to buy things, Grant believes money gives you choices about how you can live your life. And as a prominent member of the FIRE (financial independence retire early) community, Grant is on a mission to help millennials achieve financial freedom in their lives. His view is simple: master your money to master your time.

Here are Grant’s First 2 Levels of Financial Freedom:

Clarity: You figure out where you are financially and where you want to go.

Level 1 on the path to financial freedom is clarity.

Clarity involves gaining awareness of your current financial situation and understanding where you want to go from here. One of the best ways to achieve clarity is this simple two-step process:

  1. Calculate your net worth.
  2. Define your ‘why’ of FI (financial independence.)



Anders Skagerberg, CFP®
Financial Independence / Retire Early

The Coast FI Guy | Girl Dad | CFP® | Personal Finance Writer | Seasonal Tax Preparer at Intuit | Coasting to financial independence