The Top 4 Things I Learned About the F.I.R.E. Movement

Sharee Biggs
Financial Independence / Retire Early
3 min readNov 26, 2021


Image Credit: Bing Images

Everyone has their own definition of financial independence or F.I.R.E. when it comes to having a life and financial goals. Some people climb the career ladder at work through decades of raises, promotions, raising a family, and collecting a pension or 401k at the end.

People may also earn a degree in the field of their choice and land a dream job only to discover that they want to make a career change mid-way through and say become a lawyer after being a doctor for a few years… They take their money and start over with a higher and oftentimes more fulfilling salary.

But there’s a new sheriff in town when it comes to this new way of thinking about retirement and it’s been around for about a decade or so… A substantial segment of the population is dropping the rat race completely and throwing caution to the wind.

“Their philosophy is why put off until later the life that you could be enjoying now?”


Many people go about life doing what people think that they should do instead of what they want to do. This is often true with everything from what college to attend, career path to choose, living situation and the list goes on and on… The bottom line is that YOLO(you only live once) and a truly fulfilling life is what…



Sharee Biggs
Financial Independence / Retire Early

Hot Yoga Lover|Nature Lover|Copywriter|Freelance Writer| 10M+ views. I write about personal finance and entrepreneurship.