Write For Us (About FI/RE)

Write about all things Financial Independence/Retire Early here!

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Hello and welcome to Financial Independence/Retire Early.

This is a new publication dedicated to the pursuit of Financial Independence and FIRE, featuring real stories, tips, hacks, highs and lows, and what comes after you reach your FI number.

I am seeking to curate the best content on Medium about how to live your best life while working towards having enough money and not needing a 9–5 job, or to worry about having enough money. I want to hear from writers who would like to explore the following topics:

  • Your personal take on the FIRE movement, and how you plan to reach your FI number.
  • Practical steps and personal plans.
  • Interviews with those who have already achieved FI and what they do now that they’ve FIRE’ed (or rather now that work is optional).
  • Your personal FIRE heroes!
  • Personal stories about making (and losing) money, struggles and the lessons learned.
  • How to create a career you love and the real meaning of fulfilling work while still making an income.

Would you like to become a writer for Financial Independence/Retire Early?

We would love to have you!

Please clap and comment on this article with the following Please add me as a writer for Financial Independence/Retire Early”

Once you are added as a writer you can then begin adding pieces to the publication.

General guidelines:

  • Articles should be between 700 and 1400 words, but if you feel you can say what you need to in less or you’re exploring an idea in-depth please submit anyway.
  • Please cite and link to external research or expertise when quoted.
  • Articles will be read for grammar and spelling, but please ensure your article is ready for publication before submission (no spelling errors please).
  • Titles and the main image may be adjusted slightly to fit the overall aesthetic of the publication (please ensure images have a captions as to usage permissions — if in doubt you can use unsplash.com)

If your article is not approved, this does not mean it isn’t good, it’s just not right for this publication. Please feel free to submit other articles again in the future.

I can’t wait to read your stories!



Laura is writing....
Financial Independence / Retire Early

Passionate about personal development, journalling, planning and goal setting. Founder of Giftofayear.com