Your Best Work In Life

Work takes up so much of our lives that we can’t seem to stop thinking about it. But what exactly constitutes work? And what can be considered the best work in life?

Chun Aik
Financial Independence / Retire Early


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

I have been thinking about work. It’s hard not to think about it, when it’s such a huge part of our lives. As working adults, it takes up most of our time. We go to work everyday and we work hard to get on with life. But we did not start working only after having a job.

We have in fact been working our whole lives. We have to put in work to learn as we are growing up, we have to put in work at school, we have to put in work at sports, we have to put in work to master a skill, to hone our crafts, and more.

Working, while commonly associated with our jobs, is not simply about what we do in our jobs, be that as it might possibly be the most hours we spend on with regard to any form of ‘work’, throughout our lives.

It is a chore to work

Along with the society’s endless pursuit for efficiency and productivity, the idea of work has come to be commonly associated with negative feelings. That it is tedious. It is tiresome. It is draining. Not all of us get to work a job that we enjoy or see meaning in. Working thus becomes…

