7 Reasons Why You Need A Credit Card In 2020

Victor Alabi
Business Info
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2020

Have you ever given it a thought that you might need a credit card? But how do you need something you have no idea exists in your world? How do you get something you have no access to? This here is the usual tale of Africans and their lack of access to things that should be made available to make their lives better, especially an item like the credit card.

In most African countries, the usage of credit cards is so unpopular. For a continent that borrows and loans money at an increasingly alarming rate, it is weird how almost absolutely no one owns a credit card, and there are lots of reasons and factors why that is. Credits cards have been made unpopular by debit cards, which is owned by virtually everyone in Africa.

Nevertheless, to change this perspective surrounding the lack of knowledge of credit cards, we will examine the benefits of credit cards, why you certainly need to get a credit card and how to get a credit card in Nigeria.

Credit cards are provided mostly by commercial banks, and then there are financial service institutions like O3 Capital Nigeria Limited in Nigeria that can avail you their own brand of credit cards called O3cards. O3 capital Nigeria limited is the first non-bank credit card issuer in Nigeria, the first of its kind in the country.

There are numerous reasons why you need a credit card in 2020. Firstly, there is no need for a collateral or guarantor when you plan to have your own credit card, which makes it distinct from loans where you need collaterals and guarantors. This makes the process of getting your credit card more flexible, stress-free and simple, which is something you can never get when filling those loan forms.

You need a credit card in 2020 to build up your credit score. This simply means that when you finally need to get that loan to buy a house or car, your loan officer will know you are good for your money, especially if you have a high credit score. Paying your credit card loans on time ensure you have a healthy credit score.

With credit cards, come rewards and loyalty points. Some credit cards offer you a percentage off when buying something online or via POS, others offer travel discounts for their traveling customers, while some offer you low rates on different products. This is something you can hardly get with your debit cards, hence another reason why you need a credit card in 2020.

Have you ever been stranded on a date? Or have you exceeded your budget when out with loved ones and your debit cards can’t cover the costs? Believe me, I’ve been in your shoes, but fortunately for me, I had my credit card on me, which came to my rescue.

This is another of the many reasons why you need a credit card especially in 2020, as we are constantly seeing increase in meal prices from our favorite restaurants. Credit cards perform the functions of a lifesaver, as it comes to your rescue when all of your adult bills begin to pile up.

For entrepreneurs who are having a difficult time getting loans from banks to kick off their business enterprise due to a reason or the other, getting a credit card is the next best thing to a loan.

If after all these, you’re still asking yourself “do I need a credit card?” I’ll go on to tell you YES, you need a credit card in 2020 to help you with your spontaneous on-the-go purchases.

For shoppers who want to go on a shopping spree, getting a credit card, especially the O3 credit cards is totally what you need seeing as how commercial banks are rarely giving out credit cards, so why not take just take advantage of the O3 credit cards to explore your way to financial freedom.



Victor Alabi
Business Info

A fervent reader and writer who is fascinated with directing and producing movies.