Is Inclide the best website designer in Ibadan?

Sanni Oluwaseun
Business Info
Published in
5 min readOct 16, 2021
Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Inclide is a renowned website design company based in Ibadan with clients in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria and beyond.

You know, writing about the best in any field is usually a topic to be approached with caution. This is because there are usually several others in the industry, and each practitioner must be given fair consideration.

On web design, every business owner wants to work with the best hands they can find. So, say you are a business owner in Ibadan; how do you identify the best web designer in Ibadan to work with in building your business website? Oh, you don’t think you need a website?

Why is website design important?

Almost 30 years have passed since the internet was created. Wow! That’s pretty amazing. Today, more than ever before, people shop, socialize, date, network, learn and conduct business online.

An old saying goes, “first impressions last.” A majority of shoppers check out your company online before making a purchase. How do you think they will react if you don’t have a website or if you have a website that doesn’t accurately represent you and your business?

If you showed up at a sales meeting in a dirty, old shirt, or even worse, naked, would you expect to make a sale? Your website, or lack of one, instantly tells your people if you’re worth their time and money.

If you’re not making as much sales as you used to or if you sell high-end products or services, a website upgrade or brand new website may just be the missing link.

Choosing the Best Web Design Company or Web Designer

It is critical that you know as much about what you are looking for as possible when selecting a website designer or company. Only then can you find a web designer who can meet these requirements.

Put down a checklist that should look something like this:

  • What will be the focus of your website — news? Merchandise? Your trustworthiness? Your quickness? And so on. Having a clearly defined message on your website increases the chances of visitors understanding and remembering you.
  • Are you trying to sell products on your site? Or do you want visitors to sign up for some membership or share your content? Could they contact you or leave their e-mail for you to contact them? It’s essential to know the specific actions you want your website visitors to carry out from the start.
  • Do you know who you are trying to reach? Your competitors? High-end customers? The general public? And so on. How do people discuss your industry?

There are several other requirements to bear in mind but we will just stop here to keep this short.

With this knowledge, you are in a better position to look for a website designer or agency that possesses these features.

How to Identify the best web designer for you

1. What does their website look like

There are plenty of website designers and website design companies if you browse through a list of web designers in Ibadan. However, checking out their website can give you a good idea if you want to use them. Is it modern? Are the pages easily readable? Does it immediately make sense what the business is about and what it has to offer? Or are you confused or bored by their site, making it difficult to see why you might want to use their services?

How likely is it that a designer will make your site exceptional if they don’t even take care to make their own amazing?

2. Their web design portfolio

On the company’s website, you can browse through their online portfolio. Consider moving on if they don’t have one.

Here are some things to look out for as you browse through their portfolio:

  • Do the websites effectively communicate what each of those businesses is about?
  • Are they clear and concise with a clear message throughout?
  • Do their sites have the same or similar features as your list of requirements above?
  • Are these websites mobile-friendly?

Features every modern website must have

In order for your website to be an effective marketing tool for your business, it must contain certain features. Be sure your provider considers these features when building the site. Here we’ll discuss each and why it’s so important.

1. Speed

The loading speed of a website is critical. A faster site performs better. According to an Amazon study, it lost 10% of its customers for every extra second their site took to load. Additionally, Google sends people to your page based on the speed of the website. Fast websites are more likely to appear in Google’s search results. You want your website to load almost instantly.

2. Mobile and tablet friendly (responsive design)

You must have come across websites that you find difficult to read easily on your phone. The text is so tiny that it has to be zoomed in to make any sense. There are tiny buttons that are hard to press. Sounds painful, doesn’t it?

Today, there is such a wide variety of screen sizes available, ranging from smartphones to tablets to giant retina displays. However, the vast majority of people today access the Internet through their smartphones.

A website should be designed to look good and easy to use no matter what device is used to view it. This is known as responsive website design. The design of the website adapts to the screen size of the viewing device.

3. SEO (search engine optimisation)

The purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is to make sure that people searching on Google find your site. Search engine optimisation aims to have your website appearing in the top results for related keywords.

You should ensure that the website designer you choose offers SEO services. You may want to check this yourself.

4. Email Sign-up

Email marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing channels you can use to grow your business. However, it can be challenging to grow your database of names and addresses in email marketing. An excellent website can dramatically increase the number of people signing up for your email list.

Make sure your website designer provides this as part of their web design package.

In conclusion

Back to the question we started with; is Inclide the best website designer in Ibadan?

Well, Inclide has an excellent track record of delivering quality websites to their clients, covering virtually every requirement listed here. They design mobile-friendly websites with SEO and email signup, and all of these can be verified on the Inclide official website.

Maybe we can’t conclude that Inclide is the website designer in Ibadan, but there is no doubt it’s one of the best.

