What is a Disability Buyout Insurance for Canadian Business Owners and Where to buy in Vancouver?

Business owners will find that purchasing a disability buyout insurance is valuable to their business and can benefit their company. Disability buyout insurance provides the cash needed to purchase the disabled owner or partner’s interest in a company.

Visit Save Corporation Tax to get Financial Advice from Licensed Agents and know more about how disability buyout insurance works.

This agreement is beneficial for involved parties including both the disabled individual and the company. This insurance policy is a key element in buy-sell agreements. As a business owner, its important to ask the right questions as you make plans for the future. Through this policy, business owners are able to buy out key persons without involving outside investors.

Buying a disability buyout insurance allows a business to carry on with its operations without draining your company’s finances. Business owners should consider getting this insurance and include this in their business plan.

How Disability Buyout Insurance Works

Disability insurance gives the insured peace of mind so that the individual won’t have to worry where to get his income in case he is seriously injured, gets ill for a long time or becomes disabled. The individual’s salary is replaced in the event that the insured is unable to work.

Meanwhile, the company can pay the individual through a buy-sell agreement which in return, provides the money so that the company can buy out the disabled owner’s business shares. This agreement is legally binding and is settled from the beginning stages along with the terms and conditions of the sale. Therefore, both parties have no idea who will eventually become the buyer and the seller.

At the same time, this agreement is pre-arranged and the business owners must agree to a price. This insurance policy allows the remaining owners to continue operating the business by using the payouts. Having a disability buy out insurance is essential to any business, especially when you are making a continuation plan.

Purchasing Disability Buyout Insurance

Before purchasing this type of insurance, make sure that you thoroughly evaluate the business first. A fair market value should be established wherein both parties must agree to. Hence, the owners will now enter a buy-sell agreement and set terms that will generate a sale of the disabled individual’s interest.

Each business owner buys a disability buyout policy to provide funds to buy out the other owner’s share in the company in case the individual becomes disabled. When a disability occurs, the policy requires a waiting period or elimination before the benefits are paid. The length of the elimination period is initially decided during the application process and begins at the initial disability. This can be extended to 12, 18, and 24 months which usually depends on the buy-sell agreement terms.

The length of the waiting or elimination period is determined by the needs and requirements of the business. Also, in general, the longer the waiting period is, the more affordable the premiums will be. On the other hand, it also means that the longer the business will have to sustain itself before receiving the payout.

Meanwhile, the payout of the benefits is only received once the elimination period is complete. Once the benefit payout begins, the terms and conditions of the buy-sell agreement policy will be fulfilled. A disability buyout insurance policy will be able to meet the specific needs and requirements of each company. The most common payout options are lump sum or scheduled payments which typically happen between two to five years.

Why Businesses Need it

Disability buyout insurance may also be beneficial to small businesses, especially since they may not have the same amount of resources larger enterprises have. Hence, this type of policy is crucial to any small business. When a partner becomes unable to work, it may have a negative impact on the company’s finances.

One of the questions you need to ask yourself as a business owner is where will you get the money to pay the wages of the disabled individual? Does your company have sufficient funds to pay for this? If you don’t know the answers to these concerns, then you should seriously consider getting a disability buyout insurance.

A proper buy-sell agreement should always be in place including provisions that address the needs of your business. An unforeseen injury or illness can threaten the well-being of a business owner and have a negative impact on his family. In addition, it can also threaten the financial aspect of a business leaving the company feeling disabled in case he cannot come back to work.

Most businesses don’t have a proper succession plan in place. A disability business buyout insurance is a critical part of planning the future of your business. A buy-sell agreement highlights both the agreement as well as life insurance. Without sufficient coverage for disability, it can potentially cripple your business should the time come when one of the business owners is unable to perform his duty to the company.

Buying a disability buyout insurance is a straightforward way of protecting your company from financial woes. Remember, without an effective succession plan and strategy, business owners will find it difficult to cope in case a potential risk may arise.

Benefits of Disability Buyout Insurance

It is important for business owners to understand the advantages of buying a disability buyout insurance. At the same time, it also benefits the disabled person. Talk to a professional agent from Save Corporation Tax to understand the benefits of buying a disability buyout insurance.

  • Protects your business from financial loss — This type of insurance helps shields the company you’ve built against financial loss including bankruptcy. It gives business owners the assurance that they remain in control of their business including the decision to replace the disabled individual to ease their financial burden.
  • You won’t have to partner with the disabled party — Business partnerships that don’t have any disability buyout insurance may be forced to go into business with one of the family members of the disabled party.
  • Peace of mind — Both the injured individual and the surviving owner will have the assurance that their company won’t be crippled when one of them gets sick or injured. At the same time, since both have agreed to a specified price, the disabled party will also feel that he received a fair price for his share in the company.

Incorporating the Disability Buyout into a Buy-Sell Agreement

In a buy-sell agreement, all stakeholders go into an agreement funded by the company stipulating that the disabled owner will sell his share to the company in case they become ill, injured or disabled and is unable to work. The company owns the policy and will become the beneficiary of the plan which means they will receive the disability payout for every disabled owner.

When it comes to taxes, there are specific types of buy-sell agreements wherein the premiums paid for the insurance are not deductible. Meanwhile, the payouts for the disability insurance benefits are generally tax-free.

In the case of a cross-purchase agreement, the premiums are deductible to the company as a compensation expense. However, the premiums should be incorporated in the owner’s income. Tax considerations are part of a business and owners should check their individual tax and ask legal experts so that they can fully understand how disability buyout insurance works.

This disability buyout insurance policy is a cost-effective way to implement the disability buyout. This strategy is practical compared to other ways such as taking a loan or using your savings. The premiums are predictable and certain which means you’ll know how much to expect.


Business owners have the option of customizing a disability buyout insurance plan so that it can fit their business needs. This policy helps pay for the expenses related to the disability so that the injured part can slowly get back to his job.

Business owners can also choose how the insurance premiums should be paid whether monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. At the same time, they can also determine if they want to receive the proceeds in lump sum, monthly, or down payment. If you already have a buy-sell agreement, check and confirm if a disability buyout is already incorporated into the agreement.


Business owners should seriously consider purchasing disability buyout insurance, especially small businesses. Unlike a bug-scale business, most small businesses can find themselves in a financial pit in the absence of an important person in the company. This key person plays such a critical role in the business and without him, the company may start to fail.

The business may not be able to recover if you don’t have enough funds to support the company. However, if you have a disability buyout insurance, the disability benefits can help keep your company afloat and protect your finances. At the same time, you won’t have to worry about where to get the funds to be able to buy out the shares of the disabled owner.

To understand how disability buyout insurance works, get in touch with a professional agent from Save Corporation Tax.



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