6 Why’s: People’s Discomfort With Money Is Palpable

What does a healthy mindset look like?

Destiny S. Harris
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2024


Man in odd bird mask on swing set
Photo by Daniel Adesina on Unsplash

Zach Byler wrote about the five reasons people are scared to talk about money, which include the following:

  1. Fear of the “Jones Family”
  2. Lack of financial literacy
  3. Cultural and societal norms
  4. Fear of appearing greedy or materialistic
  5. Privacy concerns
  6. My Add: Mindset

Can You Relate?

I’ve noticed two primary types of people when it comes to discussing money:

  • People who are comfortable talking about the amount of money.
  • People who are uncomfortable talking about money.

People who are uncomfortable chatting about money frequently show visible signs of discomfort through their body language, changes in speech patterns, or emotional responses. Some people shut down when you bring up financial conversations.

The 6 Reasons

#1 Fear of the Jones family

People want to be perceived positively.

In our society, those with money have the power.

