How to Protect Your Long-Term Financial Plans from an Insidious Threat

The trap that gets even financial experts and banks

Opher Ganel
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2019


In the mid-1950s, my parents bought their first house using a fixed-rate 15-year mortgage. The payments were exorbitant, eating up almost half of my dad’s take-home pay. By the time they paid off the loan in the late 1960s, the same payment cost only as much as a nice dinner out for the family! How did that happen, and what can that “ancient history” teach you that can save your retirement plan?

The Insidious Effects of Inflation

If you’ve read much about retirement planning, you know that the earlier you start setting money aside and investing for retirement, the better. That’s because your investment returns compound over time. However, investment returns aren’t the only things that compound over time. Inflation does too, and not to our benefit.

How 40 years of inflation from 1978 to 2018 decimated the purchasing power of $1M.

As you can see above, if you took $1 million in 1978 and stashed it under a mattress, 40 years later that million would buy less than $300,000 worth of goods as measured in 1978 dollars. That’s an extraordinary loss of more than 70%…



Opher Ganel

Consultant | systems engineer | physicist | writer | avid reader | amateur photographer. I write about personal finance from an often contrarian point of view.