Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) Aren’t Unavoidable Anymore

Innovative Way to Save Money by Legally Avoiding 401k RMDs

After a lifetime investing for retirement, do you want to be forced to deplete your nest egg faster than needed?

Financial Strategy
Published in
10 min readMar 24, 2022


Folder open to show a tax form and pen, with a coffee mug next to it.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


It’s hard to think of a more reviled aspect of our government.

When I first met him, a friend was diffident responding when I asked what he does — he’s an IRS attorney… Needless to say, I don’t hold that against him. As I told him, I know taxes fund everything the government does, from highways and bridges to national defense, etc.

He was visibly relieved.

However, as much as I understand and accept that taxes are necessary, that doesn’t mean I like paying more than I need to.

And I don’t think I’m alone in that.

Should We Pay More Taxes than the Minimum Required?

Some people think everyone (who makes more than they do) should pay as much as possible in taxes.

Everyone is eager to do away with tax breaks that don’t help them personally.

  • We should abolish the…



Opher Ganel
Financial Strategy

Consultant | systems engineer | physicist | writer | avid reader | amateur photographer. I write about personal finance from an often contrarian point of view.