“Real Estate Is the Most Overrated Asset in History!” or Is It?

Real Estate Investment Can Leverage Your Results

And who should completely avoid it, especially now…

Financial Strategy
Published in
8 min readMay 28, 2020


In an excellent primer on the drawbacks of real estate investing, Ben Le Fort makes the case that “real estate is the most overrated asset in history.”

However, as I argue below, there are solid reasons why this asset class is so attractive to many investors. That being so, I agree that many people should avoid it, and list those cases.

One critical aspect is that if you believe the real estate market is about to suffer significant losses due to the ongoing economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, now might not be the right time to get into real estate investing. However, if that bears out and the market punishes this asset class too harshly, there may be even better reasons to get in once that happens.

If you believe the real estate market is about to suffer significant losses due to the ongoing economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, you might be better served by waiting for the market to punish this asset class…



Opher Ganel
Financial Strategy

Consultant | systems engineer | physicist | writer | avid reader | amateur photographer. I write about personal finance from an often contrarian point of view.