Even if You Can’t Save 20–30% of Your Income for Retirement, You Can Achieve Financial Independence!

How to Retire Comfortably with Absolutely No Penny Pinching

The biggest problem you face in saving for retirement is that it’s really hard to tighten your belt enough to set the 20–30% needed; here’s how you can get there anyway…

Financial Strategy
Published in
8 min readJul 15, 2020


Text over silhouette of couple walking arm in arm on a beach at sunset, with beautiful colored sky reflected by wet sand.
Photo by Lauren Richmond on Unsplash; text by author.

As I shared elsewhere, when I was 30, a financial advisor looking to sign me on asked me when I’d like to retire.

Given that I loved what I was doing, my answer was, “Never.”

Why would I ever want to stop doing what I loved (as long as I was able to continue)?

He then asked a better question. “When would you like to be able to retire?”

That got me to engage.

The following looks at how conventional plans for retirement savings are insufficient or unworkable for most people, and how to…



Opher Ganel
Financial Strategy

Consultant | systems engineer | physicist | writer | avid reader | amateur photographer. I write about personal finance from an often contrarian point of view.