A Preacher for Trump’s America: Joel Osteen and the Prosperity Gospel

Lakewood Church’s $60m ‘smiling pastor’ holds up worldly success as proof of God’s favour

The Financial Times
Financial Times


Service at Lakewood Church in Houston, where Pastor Joel Osteen preaches to some 25,000 people each week. Photo: Timothy Fadek/Getty Images

By Edward Luce

‘Bring to the storehouse a full tenth of what you earn… I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out all the blessings you need’ — Malachi 3:10

I met Dustin Rollo one evening in Houston in an airless classroom at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church. About 25 men, mostly middle-aged, had gathered for their first session in the church’s Quest for Authentic Manhood night class. Rollo, a 35-year-old warehouse supervisor with a wispy beard and calligraphic tattoos on each hand, was supervising.

Tell us who you are, Rollo asked, motioning me to the front of the class. I am a journalist at a global business newspaper, I said. I was here at Lakewood to learn about the so-called prosperity gospel.

Most of the men were dressed in tracksuits, cargo pants or jeans and T-shirts. There was a faint hint of deracination. The only refreshment to be found was moderately caffeinated hot water in styrofoam cups. My purpose, I went on, was to discover what drew people to Joel Osteen, the “smiling preacher”, who runs the largest megachurch in America. There was a mildly quizzical…

