try thinking about the future and not be sad

changing habits? i say one word to that: qwerty

finastra labs
3 min readOct 10, 2017


whoever tried to convince a spouse to adopt the concept of having a to do list, any in-law to listen before lecturing finds it evident that changing adults is pretty difficult.

we all know that it is a lot easier to avoid imprinting wrong habits in infants/babies. however, when one becomes a parent it changes the game for good, in almost every aspect of our lives. this is the moment when one gets a second chance — or maybe the first — to think about their finances. responsibly.

the generation that considers atm as one of the weird toys around the supermarket

the last financial crisis was less than a decade ago, and it seems the lessons were not learnt at all. we still push the pedal to the metal, most of us end up with (close to) zero balance end of month. i guess you know it is not because of regularly sweeping leftover to savings

so what is the bottom line, are finances rocket science by nature or is it designed so?

i have no doubt that ux is (should be) already hygienic and the promise of a sustainable financial life is the holy grail of the financial industry. once fintechs realise it comes the tricky part, how to come up with the duolingo of finances? a simplified, engaging journey that helps the users to take baby steps, rewards the invested effort and turns newly learnt behaviours to unconscious activities, the good financial habits

nir eyal’s hook model for changing habits

don’t be afraid to bravely experiment, you can do it systematically designed or simply play the fun card. instead of penalising or continuously repeating that throwing stubs away is not really civilised, you can get smokers to contribute to the poll of the century

how to stop throwing away stubs?

although everyone thinks i am a born pessimist i truly believe the title — the one that i heard first from elon musk — is the ultimate driver to come up with ideas after ideas, to improve the domain that one is working for by rewiring old habits

did you see any noteworthy habit changing examples? am keen to hear

