How A Simple Challenge Changed Lives

Terry Stagg 
Find the Best Me
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2014


Around the first of the year I challenged people on Facebook to take my 100-day challenge. All they had to do was try and walk, run, skip, jog or drag themselves just one mile a day for 100 days. At first, 14 people signed up and started their 100-day journey. Now around 24 are on the journey and move more as often as they can to be healthier. I expected that a few would drop off as the days went by but something else happened. People started making significant changes to their lives, going farther, faster, trying things they were afraid of and making a conscious effort to be healthier. As the days pass by, I started noticing an excitement from people to post their days accomplishments. It reads like a wall of honor and each day people share what they have accomplished that they never thought possible. It has become a movement, a core group of people desiring to support each other, to offer encouragement, cheers, tips and to listen when someone falls down. As with any life changing movement, there are struggles but what has impressed me most about this group of people is that even if they fall, they get right back up and move forward. Onward towards a healthy, happy life that was long forgotten but is now becoming visible on the horizon. We are half way through and still moving forward.

We would love for you to join us.. Our next 100-day challenge starts in just over a month.

