Were all just too busy

We don’t have time for whats important

Terry Stagg 
Find the Best Me


I have always been somewhat busy working two full time jobs. Its just a fact that when you commit to that much, you will be busy. What has happened though in the last three months is that it seems that everything is just hectic in all aspects of mine and everyone I knows life. We rush to this.. we hurry through that… its just busy. What seems to be the cause, I cannot figure that one out but I do know, we all just need to slow down.

You may be asking yourself how that would even be possible. Well, it starts with five minutes twice a day. I pick my time around 9:30 since by then I have been at work for two hours and people seems to be very needy in the morning. Just sit for 5 minutes without looking at your computer screen, phone, papers or anything else thats distracting. Just sit. I would tell you to meditate for 5 minutes but if you don't already meditate, well thats another article. I do meditate but just sitting is a good start. When you are sitting, think about anything other than work. Disney World is my happy place so often I go there and remember the many good times that we have had. Doing this will allow your mind to reset its “pace clock” and slow you down. The other 5 minutes I do in the afternoon around 3 but when you do it is up to you.

When you get home from work, be aware of how much time you spend talking about work or thinking about the days events. My wife used to get sick of me talking about all of the things that went on at work. She is a stay at home grandmother now but when she worked, the first hour was filled with us just sharing the oddities of the day. Now when I come home, the focus is on my granddaughter and so the day just falls away without a mention. Bringing home work is not good so you should always leave your work at the office. I always clean my desk off before I leave last thing in the day so its not cluttered and overwhelming when I come in. I do have projects and things that I must get done but they are filed and organized so that I can do them one at a time as my schedule permits.

If you are lucky enough to work a week day job, remind yourself that you get 104 days off a year called Saturday and Sunday and use those as vacation days. You don't have to do something extravagant to enjoy your time, just do little things that makes you happy. Go to a park, go on a walk, take a painting class, have brunch with friends, just do something on your days off that makes you happy, is not consumed with what you haven't gotten done and is filled with laughter and lets you relax from your work week.

Small changes in your life can really make a difference in your overall health and productivity. Happy people live better and get more done so take a minute to make yourself happy, slow down and enjoy the time you have.

