Find a remote job — List of 8 useful tips

Find the job you’ll love
3 min readApr 16, 2020

Here are 8 useful tips that will help you find a remote job nowadays.

New coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we work. Many of the industries/companies/employers that haven’t even consider the possibility of remote work for their employees were forced to make changes. Currently, the probability of finding a remote job is higher than ever before. Take a chance and change your life for the better, for good.

1. Identify your strengths to know where to start

In order to find a remote job start with identifying your strengths, advantages, knowledge and background. What are you good at? What are your advantages? What knowledge do you have? Think wide, not only about your work experience but also about your hobbies, things you were good at school, etc. Maybe you always liked to write just never gave it a chance? If so you should consider copywriting or content marketing jobs. If you are good at maths or know languages, online tutoring especially now has great potential. Or maybe you are empathic, easily slipping into another man’s shoes, and customer support/success is where you can make a career.

2. Get to know the industry

Read about the industry you would like to start working in. Gain knowledge about the tasks and responsibilities in each position you are considering. For example, if you feel that content marketer may be a good idea for you, learn about the digital marketing industry, to show that even if you don’t have experience in this area you understand the basics of the industry and follow the trends.

3. Get to know popular online tools to know how to work online

After identifying your areas of interest it’s time to get to know the most popular remote work tools. Those will not only enable you to work online, but also will strengthen your position on the labor market and will make it easier to get the desired position.

4. Make a sample of your work

All right, now you know what you want to do and which tools to use in order to find a remote job. It’s time for a test. Make a sample of your work. If you want to teach online, record, short 10 minutes video to present your skills and attitude, or write your statement, learning plan, and assumptions you will follow during your lessons. You want to challenge yourself as a copywriter, write a few articles or blog posts. Thinking about a marketing career? Prepare some basic marketing reports. Etc.

5. Promote your work in order to find a remote job

Depending on what you want to do, you can try to promote yourself, create a one-page website, a blog or professional social media profile and start sharing your knowledge and materials prepared in a previous step.

6. Search for a free-lance job for a start

Finding a remote, entry-level, full-time job can be tricky. Start your search from freelance jobs. It will be easier to get them. It will also give you a great opportunity to test yourself in remote work. Check out this list of 22 best remote job boards in 2020.

7. Write a professional resume

So you have found some ideal open positions, and what to do next? In order to find remote work, create a professional resume. Get to know the difference between CV and resume, use one of the best online resume builders and apply for the job.

8. Be honest during the recruitment process

You did it, you were invited for a job interview. Be honest about your career shift decisions, personal and employment situation. Everyone knows that it is a hard time for all of us. But also remember your value. You are ready and prepared for a change. And it can benefit both: you and your future employer.

Hope this list of tips will be helpful and will encourage you to search for a remote job during COVID-19 pandemic. Let us know how are you?

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