Let’s Do Something Exciting this Year. Let’s Change the World.

A blog for business leaders who want to live a more purpose-driven life

Findaway Adventures Field Notes


MegaFood advocates allowing Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to cover multivitamins. Learn more.

On this first day of 2018, I feel compelled to make a major commitment. I am blessed to be the CEO of a pretty special company; however, on a personal level there’s this voice in my head that keeps saying I have such a long way to go toward my overall goal of living a purpose-driven life!

At MegaFood our higher purpose is to nourish a world in nutritional crisis. We envision a world without nutritional poverty, a planet where everyone is truly nourished and we work hard & take bold action to ensure that vision becomes a reality in our lifetime.

I’ll have more to say about MegaFood down the road, but this blog isn’t about MegaFood or even the natural products industry of which we are a part. It’s about this motivated CEO’s journey to use business to change the world for the better. If this sounds ambitious or even egotistical, let me assure you I’m coming from a very different place. The first thing you should know about me is that I am a raging idealist. In other words, I have an unshakable belief that a better world is possible.

As an idealist, I believe big time in the power of individual initiative, but I also know I want to be a piece of a



Findaway Adventures Field Notes

Robert is the founder of ScalePassion and the Managing Partner of Findaway Adventures. He has served as CEO of MegaFood, NewOrganics and Garden of Life.