Nail Your Strategy to Increase Focus and Reduce Fear (Video)

Better planning from the outset will steer founders clear of many problems that can plague them later on

Findaway Adventures Field Notes


Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

I’m here today to talk to you about the importance of really nailing your strategy from the outset. I see problems with bad strategy all the time.

Companies that haven’t thought through their retail presence and find themselves in too many doors with not enough marketing money to drive velocity.

Companies that didn’t look at their competition deeply enough to see a new product coming that’s now knocking them off their new product development or innovation game.

Founders who are spread so thin dealing with the day to day that they can’t get to what Stephen Covey called the “important, not urgent work” of deciding what really matters, and what does not.

First of all, I totally get it. I understand the fear that comes from having to hit payroll or make enough money to keep the company going. And that fear can be very justified. But I would submit that nailing your strategy early on is crucial to overcoming common business obstacles.



Findaway Adventures Field Notes

Robert is the founder of ScalePassion and the Managing Partner of Findaway Adventures. He has served as CEO of MegaFood, NewOrganics and Garden of Life.