The Year from Hell

Abigail Wesley
Finding Fortitude
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2017

This was the year I got sick.

My parents assumed I had the flu and that I would recover quickly. After questioning the duration of my symptoms, however, they decided to take me to our local doctor’s office in Macomb, Illinois on March 28th. The lack of proper testing equipment in the office’s small facility resulted in relocation. Even though my pediatrician was unaware exactly what was wrong with me, he told my parents that my symptoms aligned with a head injury. We drove to the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital that same day, immediately after my doctors visit. Upon arrival, I was sent for an full body MRI.

Later that night around 11pm, my unsuspecting parents’ worst fears were confirmed. Doctors informed them that their two year old daughter had anaplastic ependymoma. Just when they thought the bad news was over, they were notified that my brain cancer was so far progressed that I was only given a 50% chance of survival. I asked them what they remember from that day. “That day taught me what paralyzing fear feels like. And to answer your question, yes, I remember everything…vividly.” my Dad stated.

After brain surgery, 93% of my tumor was removed. For months after, I endured chemotherapy and radiation. With two other daughters enrolled in school and extracurricular activities back in Macomb, my parents were forced to spend a great deal of time apart. My Mom would stay with me throughout the week at the hospital while my Dad went home to work and take care of my sisters.

Later that year on September 9th, 1999, my Grandad (my Mom’s Father) lost his battle to lung cancer. His passing was difficult for my entire family. After his passing, my mom began to see my recovery process speed up. Looking back on it now, I believe he’s the angel who saved my life.

At the age of 20, I have been cancer free now for 18 years. I live a normal life and go to school just like every other 20 year old, an ability my doctor’s didn’t think I would have. I am not only blessed with a strong family who fought alongside me, but a Grandad who turned into a guardian angel.

