Beautiful Little Moments

Sometimes, all it takes to find a bit of happiness is to open your eyes

Lisa Dexter
Finding Greatness


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Growing up with pretty unhappily married parents who ended up divorcing each other not once but twice (long story) was exhausting. They could barely coexist in the same room for over an hour before one of them said something that rubbed the other the wrong way — behavior my sisters and I mimicked. The result was a household full of people distrustful of happy times because they knew someone would crack and there would be a fight. Once I started spending more time outside that environment, I learned how much better life could be if people sincerely communicated instead of always being on the hunt for some word or action they perceived as an insult. One thing I couldn’t shake was the idea that lavish outward demonstrations of love were necessary indicators of love itself. In my defense, my only references were my parents and television. The TV couples who devoted an entire episode to romantic events in their lives like anniversaries stayed together. My miserable parents never acted like any of that mattered to them, and they separated. To this day, I have no idea when their anniversary was, and I’m honestly not sure they knew either.

Carrying it forward



Lisa Dexter
Finding Greatness

I am a freelance writer from the Chicago area. I have one awesome child, one sweet husband, one clingy cat, and one website: