How to Design the Life You Deserve

You don’t need to change everything

Alicia Sekhri
Finding Greatness


Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

A couple of years ago, I read a book called Designing Your Life, written by two Lifestyle Design teachers, Dave Evans and Bill Burnett. I really enjoyed the book, though it was nothing more than a subway read and I didn’t take the time to do the practical exercises suggested by the authors.

Last week, I read a post from Shreya Badonia and subscribed to her newsletter on lifestyle design, which I highly recommend. This made me think again about the various ways to design one’s life, and I started doing some research on the topic.

Let’s dive into my findings.

What the hell is lifestyle design?

Lifestyle design is exactly what it sounds like. You are the designer of your own life, your environment, and your reality altogether. Being your life’s designer means that you can start creating the life you want to live. It’s all about time management and incorporating the things you actually want to do into your schedule.

Now, let’s be clear. Lifestyle design is not about turning your whole life around, quitting your job and hitting the road, Kerouac-style. It can be exactly that if you want it, but there are other less dramatic approaches.



Alicia Sekhri
Finding Greatness

I write about entrepreneurship, entertainment, and screenwriting.