Photo by Mesut Kaya on Unsplash

How To Take Your Dream Vacation Every Year

And why you should


Life has so much to offer, but in the end, it’s really what you make of it because it’s your life and nobody else’s.

In debt, living paycheck to paycheck, I nearly thought it impossible to live my dream life. To experience different cultures and their unique types of foods. To hike the jungle side by side with the elephants in Thailand. To relax on a hammock overlooking the Caño Cristales river in Colombia while smoking some of their finest marijuana. The list goes on, but as you can tell, I won’t be able to do all that while living paycheck to paycheck, already scraping to get by as is... Or can I?

It’s been seven years since I’ve had a good vacation, and it definitely showed. Life felt like a never-ending cycle of work, eat, sleep, repeat, which affected my work, relationships, and even my own self-image.

But everything’s changed since then.

Recently I’ve discovered a way to do all of that and more — at least once a year! And I know that doesn’t seem like much, but trust me, each trip will bring new experiences and a new perspective on life!

Much of the information in this article will probably seem basic at best, yet, it’s a formulated plan proven to change your life for the better radically.



Jazz Parks
Finding Greatness

I believe that life is about finding joy through passion, purpose, and being compassionate towards others.