Mend D’em Bones

Sandi Sipe
Finding Greatness
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2021

No, this is not about sports injuries; whether juvenile or professional. Instead, this is about the necessity of restoring older homes and communities for new purposes.

Photo by Darius Soodmand on Unsplash

America is growing, and who or what is paying the price.

Until we stop growing as a world, nation, and city we are to expect this for Free Enterprise, or as other countries call it, capitalism.

Can you explain Capitalism?

Definition of capitalism: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decisions, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. This is a definition from Brittanica

Natural resources list that is in trouble due to growth.

The forests tops and trees are being cut down to make furniture that no one whats to buy. Instead, thanks to the global market we buy our furniture from Asia. Does Asia get our furniture? There are beautiful pieces of work in the Amish Community, check out the rugs, foods, and furniture.

Photo by Hutomo Abrianto on Unsplash

The next hazard to the forests is the fires on the west coast. There seems to be more of them. They are more extensive in damage costs every year. This is in part due o the dryness of the air there. How can a state bordered by the ocean have such trouble with fires? What am I missing? Not only do we have fires set intentionally, but sometimes due to neglectful mishaps; cigarettes thrown from cars, campfires too hot and unattended, etc. The Rain Forest in Brazil was intentionally set. Why?

Talk about the water supply, it is full of chemicals that are killing fish and other wildlife that drink the water. In the town of Flint, Michigan, people were dying due to drinking the water and cooking with the tainted water. The government took their sweet ass time to get things done on this particular crisis. I guess there wasn’t enough money in it for their assistance.

The wide-open spaces and the wooded fields of land are being sold out from wildlife reserves in the name of economic growth and social growth. I guess we are afraid the land will run away if we don’t stick a building on it. However, the impact is the movement of wildlife, shooting of the wild mustang herds, bobcat dens are being shot and killed for bounty, etc. Humans’ businesses or homesteads are invading the animal territory.

Who pays for this growth spurt?

The animals.

Exactly, but take a look at the big picture. People are not safe in their community due to bad water, fires, and wildlife coming to town to eat. Citizens of a community are purchasing bottled water at stores or water dispensaries so they can water to drink and cook. There is one cost to them.

The development of land acreage for some idiotic reason — like new housing and business si burdening many things. The casualty for this situation is the members of wildlife, trees as a natural resource, and so on.

What can we do to stop this from happening? I have a few ideas.

What does economic growth mean?

In simplest terms, economic growth refers to an increase in cumulative production in an economy. Often, but not necessarily, aggregate gains in production correlate with increased average marginal productivity. This definition is provided by Investopedia.

The impact of global warming

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Global warming- been warned for 50 years of dwindling resources and climate changes. Holes in Ozone, etc.

What is global warming?

A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere is generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Does this clarify the what of Global warming? By the way, this definition was provided by Meridian Webster.

Evidence of such events is sound signs of proof of global warming. 1. Alaskan icebergs are melting. 2. Texas freeze in February 2021, 3. Wildfires on the west coast. 4. Hurricanes that are more and stronger are hitting the Gulf Coast and East Coast. The destruction of our basic society frameworks such as buildings, property, and natural resources are killing citizens in the wake.

This is a natural phenomenon on Mother Earth to clean herself off of the grime and decay. It is written in the Bible that there would be flooding, land damage, and storms.

Yes, the Bible states of the prophets seeing the gradual destruction of the earth due to man’s greed, corruption, and vanity. Nevertheless, ask yourself, do we need to ramp up the speed at which this will happen? In the end, God will destroy the earth in the fire.

Solutions we can consider

The fix for new business, buildings, and such, consider no new building projects for tw3o years. An old community can be made great again with updates, fresh coats of new paints, and a new purpose. New communities which connect to large ones to create metropolitans are only asking for more problems in the future. Instead, take the skeletons of old buildings and find a new purpose. We shouldn’t turn our backs on these neighborhoods and buildings because ‘it’s not pretty. The eventual neglect and moving on to other areas is how and why homesteads become filled with crime, drugs, and other addictions we turn our backs on as a society.

That would be a good idea, but it costs less to build new sites and interests instead of bringing up codes, removing asbestos, and rewiring these buildings.

Okay, but if the government powers-that-be would give tax incentives or another write-off to land developers to encourage the rebuilding of neighborhoods with refurbished and updated buildings within the community, the country living setting could be a realistic dream today and not one of the past.

Regrettably, the solutions to problems like this world and society face daily will not be considered until the almighty buck is not the main foundation of the rebuilding process. Thie spirit of this world as intended by God is to be like it is in heaven, to live in charity, hope, grace, and love, not greed and jealousy. We should have fellowship while helping one another with burdens…bear a saving grace for those who are different than us…and patience for those differences. Every day, old neighborhoods could be refurbished, given a makeover, and celebrated ‘for d’em old bones are still good and strong.’

What should be our main thought?

The reunion of a community for one common goal…to live good spirits for all.

And that is how it’s done.



Sandi Sipe
Finding Greatness

I am a Texas author writing in hte gentes of politics, religion, encouragement. MY QUOTES: I have balls too, they are 2 feet up and multi-functional.