David Yaqub
Finding Greatness
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2021

TLDR — it's you.

Photo by Severin Höin on Unsplash

While I love consuming some good information about the easiest stocks to invest in, the best index fund/EFT for your hard-earned dollar, Or the most common article on medium — The 5 easiest side hustles to 10x your income!

I feel like people have forgotten the overarching point to all of this. It's all about empowering people to pick themselves first. To invest in yourself first and foremost.

Working in the field of healthcare I have had mentors, lecturers, colleagues and patients tell me a quite consistent point.

In essence, you can't pour from an empty bucket.

Ensure your “bucket” is well maintained, patched up and is given time to recover before giving to others.

If you want to help others, help yourself first. If you wish for forgiveness, forgive yourself first. Put into practice and make habit of self-care to ensure you are operating at peak performance.

Living with access to information at historically rapid speeds, we are able to consume more. With no real way to decern what is worth consuming and what isn't, we are stuck with the reality that we will consume media, information or data that will have a negative effect on us.

When we are lucky enough to consume information that can provide a positive impact, we are given the chance to exponentially increase the value we provide to ourselves, therefore increasing what we can provide to society.

When you spend time educating yourself, to make better decisions, to be a person of value, a good moral human. You are contributing to society in the highest form.

The point isn't to have 5 meaningless revenue streams, it's not to generate income, I think it's about reclaiming time to put towards things that are meaningful to us. Yet the way the majority of us live, working the full-time week we sacrifice a resource that has an unknown end date in work that sustains our expenses but perhaps not much more.

Moments in time, we will have the clarity and courage to make decisions for ourselves. To take risks in areas that call to us, that provide a higher meaning.

Opportunities that involve us contributing to society, not for financial gain but because it's the correct thing to do.

It's these decisions that when reflected upon we don't look to see where the arrow has landed, but the fact that it was fired to be the mark of success.

So next time you read, watch or listen to some form of media, consume it with this in mind.

How will this help me, to help others?

If we did this more often, wouldn't society be in a better spot?



David Yaqub
Finding Greatness

Life long student, trying to create a community. Curious, creative and a little crazy.