Do Your Goals Make You Cry?

You don’t have to cry for your why

Finding My Manageable


Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash

Anthony O’Neal repeats it so many times, you might start to believe it’s true. “If your why doesn’t make you cry, then the price of commitment will make you cry.” Meh. Maybe. If you’re coming through something difficult — addiction, abuse, illness, yes and more? — you might be done with tears. When I was first getting sober, I sobbed for 45 days straight. I don’t need a why to make me cry. My whole life has done that already. You, too, might be over the waterworks and are now looking to rebuild something better, healthier, stronger.

Your why doesn’t have to make you cry. But you do need to know why you’re doing what you’re doing so you can stay on course when the doing gets hard. Because it will, if it hasn’t already.

It’s not just about you

When you know the impact you’re creating not only by achieving the goal but by becoming the person who achieves, staying true is worth the work. That goes for a goal of finding your manageable in recovery or earning a degree or making a new sales…



Finding My Manageable

Jesus, Recovery, Grace. Christian life coach using the structure and accountability of the Harada method to support recovery - mine and yours.