The Harada Method

Break your goals into sixty-four bite sized tasks

Finding My Manageable


A 3x3 grid from a wire fence illustrates the Harada Open Window 64 layout
Photo by Clara Rayes on Unsplash

This is the time of year when everyone, it seems, is talking about goals, plans, habits — to start, stop, keep — and the pressure is on. I should exercise more. I should lose 5 pounds — or more. I should stop eating out all the time and learn to cook. I need to get out of debt. I need to spend more time with my kids. I need a new job. I need a life. I need to quit drinking, smoking, playing video games all night, eating cookies, eating meat…

With Januarys and other mile markers like significant birthdays or life events, there’s a collective sense of having to achieve All the Things! And the competition over who has the best goals…I heard a new word recently. Comparanoia. That sense that your life, your goals won’t be as good as someone else’s. What ever happened to setting out on a path that was suitable and appropriate because it was one of our own imagination or inspiration? Now if that person wants to write one book this year, you feel pressured to write three or it won’t be as good? Or a Facebook friend you met once at a conference is planning to run a marathon in Lake Placid so you have to run two on different continents on back to back weekends? Dude, you didn’t even want to write a book or run a marathon. You just want your family to enjoy your company. You just want to enjoy your own company.



Finding My Manageable

Jesus, Recovery, Grace. Christian life coach using the structure and accountability of the Harada method to support recovery - mine and yours.