Stephanie Elie
Finding My (Writing) Flow
1 min readMar 15, 2017


Yes, I know you start a 52 week challenge at the beginning of the year. Yes, I know I’ve tried several different writing challenges without success. I’m hoping this will be different. I NEED to reconnect with my writing voice, because somewhere in the last few years I’ve lost her. Honestly, I let her go.

But I NEED to get her back so I’m committing myself to a 52-week writing challenge. When trying to come up with a topic I am drawn to the idea of writing letters to my daughter.

She’s eleven and for the purposes of this challenge I’ll refer to her as “Em”.

Why did I choose this topic?

I’m concerned about our relationship. She was my first born and has the strongest-will then anyone I know. I didn’t realize personality traits carried to our off-spring. She inherited many of the negative traits that I still struggle with and that makes me sad.

So for the next 52 weeks I’m going to write her a letter in the hopes that I can share them with her. In the hope that it will help her through the next phase of her life.

This is Week 1 in the 52 Week Challenge.

