5 minute friday — community

Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within
2 min readApr 27, 2012

Five minute Friday we bloggers write for five minutes flat on Fridays.

We set a timer, throw caution to the winds and try to remember what it was like to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

write for 5 minutes, no back-drafting, no editing — today’s word is: community

Start: I am going to be honest, I am not much of a person to be in large amounts of community.

I have always been a quiet and reserved person. I have been a loner all my life, and only chose people in my life who I felt safe around.

I have learned so much about connection in therapy. It has been the base core of my healing. It’s how my therapist and I work, we are constantly in connection, and I am always reminded that connection is there for me — SO I have taken that base core of connection that I have learned to trust, and I have taken it to the outside and I learned to be in community with others — but small community.

When I see the word “community” I also think about the connection with God, and how he puts people in my life to be in community with — through connection.

I dont fancy large crowds — but I love having an intimate relationship one on one with those who I have taken my time to be in community with.

However, I do truly believe that community — connection, and you cannot be in a part of a community unless you are in connection.

I have a wonderful community in my church. When I go to church every Sunday at 11am Mass, I am surrounded by people I love and trust, and feel the presence of God around.

When I think about community I also think about the world of “writing” community; like us bloggers who love to write through our life’s trivial mess, and use the community to share it with others.

My honest truth is, I would rather be connected to a small group of people who lift me up, rather than be in a huge community to where I could get lost in the shuffle.

- but when you look at it i a whole, God created us to be connected and in community with others, and you can’t have one without the other, it’s up to us how we choose to be in community with others; whether it be small and intimate, or large and open to all.




Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within

🦋 Writer, Blogger, Abuse Survivor! PTSD — I am on a Journey - a Journey to heal through my writing. I write through the process of my 10 year therapy journey🦋