five minute friday {fall}

Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within
2 min readJun 7, 2013

Welcome to five minute Friday to where us bloggers are given a word prompt every Friday and write for just 5 minutes simply for the joy of writing.

Join other bloggers in this fun writing game to connect with others.

No editing or backtracking. No need to be perfect. Just words freely flowing from my heart to yours. Connect with other bloggers and share the same words of encouragement!

Today’s Five minute Friday word is {Fall}


I LOVE this quote “Fall down seven times get up eight”. This quote holds so much truth to my healing in the past 6 years.

The very first thing that I thought of when I saw the Five Minute Friday word was this video by “3 Doors Down” called “Away from the Sun”

In the video this kid keeps falling down the mountain while rocks are thrown at him, while people make fun of him, while he keeps losing his grip and falls time and time again, but he always gets up and tries again.

I believe falling is a part of healing. I believe you can’t experience one thing without the other. You can’t experience light if you haven’t seen the dark. You can’t know what it’s like to get up, if you have never been down. You can’t tend to a wound if you don’t feel the pain to heal it.

My healing journey has been so much about getting up after falling, and sometimes falling is where we need to be to experience the healing in standing up. I think the “falling” part is a part of the empowerment in us. When we are down, we are at our strongest, because that is what gets us back up — our strength.

Take a look at this video, it reminds me so much of my life and of my healing journey .. I hope it touches you just as much. THis video brings me to tears EVERY TIME.. but it’s healing, because in the end, he reaches the TOP .. and that is getting up after falling and finding empowerment!





Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within

🦋 Writer, Blogger, Abuse Survivor! PTSD — I am on a Journey - a Journey to heal through my writing. I write through the process of my 10 year therapy journey🦋