five minute friday {whisper}

Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within
3 min readSep 5, 2014

Welcome to Five Minute Friday to where us bloggers are given a word prompt and write for just 5 minutes simply for the joy of writing.

No editing or backtracking. No need to be perfect. Just words freely flowing from my heart to yours. Set the timer and write away! Stop at the 5 minute mark no matter where you are!

Today’s Five minute Friday word is {Whisper}


The word Whisper resonates with me this week! “hope” is the word that whispers loudly in my ears and my soul this week.. hope is the anchor to all the hardness that I have been going through, and when we have more hope, it gives us more strength.

In session yesterday I opened up about something big and I wrote about it, and I am still reeling from the goodness and hope that this openness brought me. Everyday I am holding more and more hope that by being open and listening to the hope inside, it brings me more strength to keep on going, keep on fighting the fight!

I think sometimes the world is so loud that we never truly sit and listen to what God is telling us. I believe God is fighting for our attention in the midst of our hardness. We sometimes become so involved in life and in trying to solve our own troubles, that we don’t sit and really listen to the whisper of God’s wisdom.

That is what happened to me this week. I sat and really paid attention to the quietness, and in that quietness I heard hope, an in that hope I felt strength, and in that strength I was able to lean on support, and the support, care and love that I have circles back around to the hope!

I have begun something new. Every Saturday morning, I allow myself 2 hours of just sitting on the couch with a book, or even my laptop to read. I give myself those 2 hours in the quiet morning just for me, and I realized something in that. We pray to God and make time to say what we need to him right? what about God speaking to us? Do we ever think that maybe God wants us to sit still in life and hear what he has to say to us? That is what my Saturday mornings have become.

Whether it be through the reading I am doing, or the writing I am engaged in, I always find God speaking to me in some form. That is what this week was for me. I really paid attention to what God was praying to me. I think God prays to US too, we just need to really believe in that.

So, this week sparks hope inside of me. I have more hope after this great week in session and really being open about what this hardness has been about. I found hope in the whisper in between the busyness of life and I paid attention to it enough to embrace it, and really lean into that.

If you were to take time out during the week, what would you hear? take some time to really listen, because you never know what the whispers of life is trying to tell you.




Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within

🦋 Writer, Blogger, Abuse Survivor! PTSD — I am on a Journey - a Journey to heal through my writing. I write through the process of my 10 year therapy journey🦋