grace and mercy — song

Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within
2 min readMar 4, 2012

This Sunday morning, I am doing something different by posting a 2nd blog today! This 2nd blog is a song, a beautiful song of “grace and mercy”.

I am going to post another song by “Anna Kay Toms”. This is another song that means alot to me that she sang quite often.

When I hear this song, it reminds me of “healing from something so deep”. This song is about walking through trials of life, and washing away the feelings of shame from your life that you hold. It’s absolutley beautiful and healing.

This song is short, but if you truly listen to it deeply, you will get it. Whatever you are going through in your life, when you hear this song, you will truly feel the power of it.

Honestly? I am not a fan of Christian music.. never have been (nothing personal I just dont care for Chistian type music) — but Anna Kay Toms just gives a whole new meaning to GRACE and MERCY! it’s moving and powerful, and has truly opened my heart to my healing.

This song is perfect for “lenten” season — a time of sacrafice and grace.

The photo above is a photo of me and Anna Kay Toms about 4 years ago. I found this photo a couple of days ago so that you could put a face to her beautiful voice! She is a remarkable person who has a voice that just floors you! She has been truly gifted in life to sing through her music to truly put grace.

Take a listen to this song, and truly let it go to a place in your heart.. and I hope that it really opens your heart as it did mine.

if you would like a copy of Anna’s CD, email me and let me know, I would love to share it with you! (she gave me the OK)

click on the link below




Karen Beth Courcy
Finding The Grace Within

🦋 Writer, Blogger, Abuse Survivor! PTSD — I am on a Journey - a Journey to heal through my writing. I write through the process of my 10 year therapy journey🦋